Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1677: Too much food

Chapter 1677: Too Much Meal

After more than ten minutes, the dishes came one after another.

Although it is a small place, it is full of colors and flavors, and it really has the taste of home cooking.

An Lan thinks that eating here is indeed better than going home and making it.

"The dishes and oil here are clean," Xu Bohan said suddenly after eating for a while. "It's better than that vegetarian restaurant last time."

"Well, yes," An Lan nodded, "it's time to eat."

As soon as Xu Bohan lowered his eyes, the relief deep in his eyes flashed.

It took about half an hour. After the last little fire, the belly was on, and An Lan ate two bowls of rice. Then he wiped his red lips and went out to pay.

However, more than a hundred dollars is simply the cheapest meal An Lan has eaten in recent years.

After returning to the box, Xu Bohan also finished eating. An Lan said, "Judge, thank you for asking me to have a delicious and affordable dinner. The taste is really good, so I will go first, and wish him the life Pleasant, so delicious. "

Xu Bohan: "..."

"Goodbye," An Lan waved with his bag and left without taking away the clouds.

Xu Bohan looked down at his watch, it was only six twenty.

Back in the office, Su Run, a young assistant who was left working overtime, drank his lunch while looking at the documents.

When Xu Bohan came back, he quickly asked, "Presiding judge, why did you come back, didn't you hear that you had gone on a date with lawyer An?"

Xu Bohan's sharp eyes turned to him. After Su Run covered his mouth, he said stupidly: "Attorney Zhao said in the unit group, and some colleagues said that I saw you eating at a regular restaurant."

"Well, I'll be back after eating," Xu Bohan sat down, looking at the papers on the table, hesitated.

Originally, he made two hours for himself to eat this meal. Why did he only return for more than forty minutes, the efficiency is no less than eating fast food.

"It's too fast, how can there be such a fast date," Su Run shamed, "I know, you shouldn't go to the home-cooked restaurant, where the food is too much."

Xu Bohan simply wondered, "Don't you just have to eat?"

"My presiding judge, this is not the case." Su Run really broke his heart for the happiness of his leadership. He hoped that the leader would start his family early and start his own business. Don't even work so hard to work overtime. He didn't even have time to spend with his girlfriend. " We usually go to a home-style restaurant for dinner. It ’s okay to come back early after work to work overtime. The lonely boy and widow go out to eat and that ’s to cultivate feelings. The food is too fast to eat. After eating, throw away the bowl and leave. , When the lights are dim, kiss my mouth, pull my hand, and then say something to see a movie, and then continue to pull my hand, kiss my mouth ... "

"Shut up," Xu Bo's cold and indifferent eyes glanced over, holding up the tea cup, "We just ate out for dinner, not so much thought."

"That may be I think too much."

Facing the majesty of the leader, Su Run immediately lost, but it was a weak addition. "But I remind you that this way of eating can never be met by lawyer An."

Xu Boyan just took a sip of tea and heard the last word stunned. He took a long time to turn around, turned his face away, and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window. His cold face was inexplicably hot.

He didn't really think that much.

But at this moment, I think of An Lan's sharp red lips with sharp teeth, it seems ... not so contradictory.

Fourth more. Tomorrow continues. . Do n’t worry, feelings always come slowly, and love at first sight is unlikely.

(End of this chapter)

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