Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1695: Xu Bohan eats in the private box next door

Chapter 1695 Xu Bohan Eating In The Private Box Next Door

"So this is a blind date in disguise?" Xu Bohan frowned unconsciously.

"I'm just reminding you," Xun Yuan laughed. "Most of the people are married early, all of us are in kindergarten. As for our age, women who are not yet married may be divorced. Really, it's just that everyone gets together and it's not easy to meet again. Who knows if we will come again for the next 80th anniversary of the school. "

Xu Bohan was silent now.

When Yuan Yuan agreed, he immediately sent a WeChat message to the old alumni in the group.

After the anniversary celebration, the school leaders called them to dinner.

An Lan is naturally not in the invitation list. After all, she is a young lawyer and not qualified enough.

"That's the myth of Rui Zhengxue of Hosei University. I'm 60 years old and I haven't lost a lawsuit in 20 years," said class leader Cao Meng, looking at the old gentleman beside the principal, and said with emotion, "I don't know when we will become his level Lawyer, it is said that last year, a wealthy gate opened a price of 300 million to invite him out of the mountain, but no one paid attention to it. "

"I hope there will be another day," An Lan said with emotion, "but there is a lecture by Song Ruixue in the afternoon, we can also listen to it."

"Let's go, eat, eat at the cafeteria, I haven't tasted the alma mater's meal for a long time," Cao Meng laughed. "I invite you for this meal."

"Okay, I invite you at night," laughed Xiong Hai, another alumni of the same class with good development, "Is there any good restaurant near here?"

Li Shuang thought for a while: "There is a nice hotel in Zeyuan. My husband and I have eaten a few times. The box is very comfortable, but it needs to be booked early and the business is very good."

Xiong Hai immediately ordered the box like Li Shuang.

In the afternoon, everyone ate at 2:30 in the cafeteria, and then attended a lecture by Song Ruixue. At 5 o'clock, everyone drove to the Zeyuan Hotel.

As Li Shuang said, this restaurant is really good, the box is large enough, and it is very spacious for more than ten people.

Everyone chatted and toasted each other.

Li Shuang bowed his head and said to An Lan, "I will go back to take the baby at night, so I won't sing with you."

An Lan glared angrily at her, whispering: "Are you so fleeing? You were screaming to sing together, and you can borrow another 500 years from Heaven."

"No way, my mother-in-law called me just now and said that my cub was crying for me. This baby is also a sweet burden," Li Shuang sighed. "You work hard, there are many singles tonight Handsome guy. "

"Enough, are those men worthy of the aging mother's face?"


At this time, Lin Hua, who went out to the toilet, came in and said, "Sisters, comrades, Xuan Yuan and Xu Bohan, the big brothers are eating in the private box next door. Would we like toasting?"

Chen Ke remembered Xu Bohan's face and frowned, "Where to go, our gang is not bad enough, can we still respect them?"

"But they saw me just now," Lin Hua said in distress. "It's not good not to go. I guess they will come over to pay respects to us later. Just now Zheng Zheng said he would come to us."

"Then go," Cao Meng stood up holding the glass.


Hibiscus Hall.

In Zeyuan's largest box, Xu Bohan looked coldly at everyone at the dinner table, slapping each other's farts.

He was a little tired of such occasions.

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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