Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1698: Could this be tacit understanding?

Chapter 1698: Is This Just Tacit?

An Lan looked at Chen Ke's greasy face, and felt that the food on the table could not be eaten.

Xu Bohan, who just walked in, heard Chen Ke's voice, and his face became cold involuntarily.

Isn't this the wine seller who came across the stadium entrance before?

Even though all kinds of people have met in court, they have never seen such a response.

He walked indifferently toward An Lan. At this moment, An Lan didn't even stand up, but leaned lazily on the chair. The white sweater outlined her exquisite curves, and her long, white fingers turned her hands. Red wine glass.

She smiled with red lips, "I'm sorry, I don't have any ability, but I'm good at making money, and money really can't move me."

This is already considered to give Chen Ke a lot of face in the presence of so many students, and she thinks that a person like Chen Ke is definitely a villain, try not to rip his face.

Chen Ke didn't know anything at all, and continued to cheekily laugh. "That's not good. We are all good at making money. It's just a natural pair."

Although the people at the table laughed, some people already felt that Chen Ke didn't understand.

The pupils in An Lanfeng slowly turned cold, but the smile on her face deepened. "Unfortunately, I just want to find a high-value man with a minimum body size of one meter and eighty-five or more. Pour water for me when I go home. Squeezing his shoulders, I dare not go east if I want him to go east,

If he wants to go west, he would n’t dare to go west. It ’s better to get into it. I want to play as many nights as possible. Even if there is a one-night stand, he is not allowed to fart. Even if he was not born, he could not oppose it. By the way, when he gave birth to a child, he could only follow my surname. At the same time, he could not be derailed. He could only be steadfast to me. Moreover, his money must be used for me ... "

After she finished speaking, everyone's eyes burst into smiles. An Lan's mouth was really as bad as ever.

Xu Bohan's long legs slowly paused, looking at An Lan's profile, his eyes showing appreciation. I did not expect that she could come up with such a harsh condition as he can make people embarrassed. Is this tacit understanding?

However, there are always people who don't know each other, Chen Ke's face is slightly heavier, and his tone is not good. "An Lan, don't make a joke, which man dares to ask you ..."

"The above ..." An Lan continued with a smile on his lips and said, "You did not meet the requirements at the beginning, I said that the value is high."

The crowd laughed, and Chen Ke squeezed the wine glass, and humiliated anger was shot in his eyes.

"Everyone has their own criteria for spouse selection. Is it because you sell wine well that you are forced to choose you," Xu Bohan's cold voice suddenly sounded.

After watching the lively crowd, they noticed when Xu Bohan came over.

"Xue Xuechang, why are you here," Cao Meng immediately stood up in surprise.

"We sent me over to toast," Xu Bohan raised his glass slightly. "Everyone strives to be a good judge, prosecutor and lawyer."

"Thank you for your encouragement," the crowd stood up in surprise.

An Lan also had to stand up, just as Xu Bohan stood between her and Li Shuang, his body leaned slightly to the side, and the air-conditioned box suddenly became hot because of the temperature coming from him.

An Lan glanced up at him, just to see that he drank the contents of the cup into his throat, and the throat knot rolled sexy.

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(End of this chapter)

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