Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1705: Xu Bohan will do it for her

Chapter 1705 Xu Bohan Will Do It For Her

"You're right, so I decided to do it," Xu Bohan said, and raised his fist directly on Chen Ke's face.

The fist power of a man is far from being comparable to that of a woman.

Chen Ke suddenly fell to the ground and nosebleeds came out.

But he hasn't recovered from falling seven or eight, Xu Bohan lifted his collar and made a few hard punches.

An Lan stumbled. Although he felt that Xu Bohan was tall, he didn't expect such a good hand to fight. Chen Ke had no force to fight back under his hands.

However, she did not expect that Xu Bohan would do anything for her. After all, the two were really not familiar. Even if he couldn't see Chen Ke away, he wouldn't commit beatings. He was a judge, and he couldn't amplify others. Would think he was bullying.

The customer was shocked and shocked, the KTV security and manager immediately rushed to stop, the manager reconciled, but Chen Ke was not lost, and was angry, not afraid, but he said he had to pay for the loss, and he wanted to call the police. Bo Han fought with his own identity as a judge.

The people watching it pointed at Xu Bohan and talked.

"I heard it was a judge. No wonder it was so arrogant."

"The judge has the back office, so do whatever you want."

"Judges are overwhelming, unreasonable."

Xu Bohan said to Chen Ke in the face of the public's opinions: "I hit you, but you said that I was bullying by bullying, and slandering a public official in a country. You used to study law. How do you judge? I don't need to say it. "

Chen Ke also awoke at this moment, hehe said: "You say I slander you, what evidence do you have?"

Xu Bohan didn't say a word, but looked back at An Lan, "Attorney An, someone as cautious as you should have a recording."

An Lan glanced at him in surprise, then smiled, "Indeed."

After she finished speaking, Chen Ke's words were released from beginning to end, and the people on the side immediately glared at Chen Ke with red ears and ears, especially some women, "It's so shameless, how can there be such a man with no quality."

"Oh my God, this really refreshed my realm of scum."

"Does he think it's remarkable that he has a Porsche?"


The wind turned suddenly, and Chen Ke couldn't wait to get into the hole, and shouted, "I just got drunk."

Xu Bohan clenched his fists. He only heard the second half. He didn't hear Chen Ke said so many unpleasant words in the front.

He stooped and stunned Chen Ke and said coldly, "There is something that is not true after drinking and vomiting truth. Besides, I don't think you are drunk at all, you just drink and speak boldly, but These words you say constitute a complete insult and sexual harassment. You can not only be verbally attacked, but also physically harassed, you can be detained. "

Chen Ke didn't care how painful his face was and hurriedly said, "When did I physically harass?"

He also knew that as long as there was no physical harassment, the sentence would not be multiple.

"My hand," An Lan raised his left hand. "Everything you take advantage of is red. This is physical contact. You will know when you see the policeman at a glance."

"You guys are just arrogant," Chen Ke growled.

"You are wrong, the lawyer will always be justified," An Lan smiled softly. "You still learn the law because of your loss. Do n’t you offend the lawyer if you forget to offend? Maybe you made some money and made you swell. No problem, I'll remind you soon. "

When she dialed 110 and dialed the phone, she then said to Chen Ke: "Yes, do you think it's awesome to open a Porsche? I still have a Ferrari parked in my house, but I think I also need to keep a low profile when I'm a lawyer. So I basically don't drive. "

Fourth more. Tomorrow continues. .

Don't fall in love with my sister An, rich and low-key.

(End of this chapter)

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