Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1719: Today i bought you an hour

Chapter 1719 I Buy You An Hour Today

After changing the robe.

Xu Bohan looked at himself in the mirror. He hadn't considered his appearance before, but he thought he was not bad.

But is he not as good as He Mingqian?

He took a deep breath before it settled down.

He also had a fiancee, and it was normal for An Lan to have a boyfriend. Everyone was not a college student after all.

Xu Bohan turned around and pulled out his cell phone to find An Lan's phone and dialed it in. After the call, the woman's cold voice came through the microphone.

"Hello, this is Zhenyuan Law Firm. My name is An Lan. I'm here for an hour's consultation fee of 1,800 yuan, so if you have any questions, you will be charged by the minute."

Xu Bohan: "..."

So she didn't save her phone at all, did she?

He was silent for a few seconds and hung up the phone.

Then open WeChat and transfer the money in the past.

In the law firm.

An Lan just put down the phone not long after, ready to get up and pour a cup of coffee, the phone suddenly prompted the WeChat.

She opened it, and Ba Ma Fei Ma sent eighteen.

She paused and hurried to WeChat, "What are you doing?"

White horse is not horse: Didn't you say that you have an hour and an hour, today I bought you an hour.


An Lan suddenly remembered the call just received. It was Xu Bohan's call?

Baima Feima continued to send WeChat: Did you save my phone?

An Lan embarrassed to find that the call just dialed in, and immediately inside Xu Dihan's low voice, "Why didn't I save my call?"

"I saved it when I was dating, but later I knew it was you after the blind date. I thought it would be impossible to delete it," An Lan answered truthfully, grinning, "Judge, you do n’t want to make trouble, you are all trying If I grow up, I still need to consult me. I have confiscated the eighteenth, and I will return it myself tomorrow. "

"I have something to consult," Xu Bohan was silent for a moment, and his voice suddenly became soft and magnetic. "I want to consult with An An, how can I make An An like me."

An Lan's heart beat fiercely.

Obviously it's just a simple question, but the face is inexplicably hot across the microphone.

She thought secretly, was the opposite Xu Xuhan, who had a poisonous tongue, sure that it was not a messy thing, and it sounded like a voice when it was lifted up.

"... I'm sorry, I'm only consulting legal issues here," An Lan thought for a while, and then pretended to calmly answer this question.

"Okay, I'm consulting legal issues," Xu Bohan said. "I want to consult if I want to marry lawyer An, and if I write a pre-nuptial agreement, yes, my pre-nuptial agreement requires that if the divorce in the future, man The property belongs to the woman. "

An Lan felt his heart sullen again, "Judge Xu, don't make a joke."

"Attorney An, would you take every customer seriously," Xu Bohan said with a smile.

An Lan couldn't help it. "Well, I can answer this question immediately ..."

"But I don't have time to listen now. I'm going to court at half past three, so let's have dinner together at night," Xu Bohan interrupted her. "I'll come to your law firm to pick you up."

"No, I didn't take a good rest last night. I'm tired. I just want to go home and eat and sleep. Isn't you tired?" An Lan smiled bitterly. "Can't I change to another day."

Xu Bohan was actually very tired. Fortunately, I slept for a while at noon and drank a cup of coffee to support me. "You're right, I'll go to your house and do something for you. I will leave after eating."

Second more. . How is our presiding judge. Haha

(End of this chapter)

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