Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1725: I cherished your girlfriend then

Chapter 1725: Cherish Your Girlfriend At The Time

Fortunately, the waiter brought the thick soup.

Looking at the hot chicken and mushroom soup, Xu Bohan said suddenly, "In fact, for the western restaurant in Xiacheng, this place should be considered a cheaper place. An Lan, I found such a good western restaurant with a reasonable price It's not easy for you to embarrass me. "

He found that the more he came in contact with her, the more he could find her valuable.

On the surface, love money, but if it is done properly, it never takes advantage of others.

Some women, taking a man for a treat, took them to a very expensive restaurant, of course, this is not bad, so at this moment An Lan's deliberate make her seem very kind.

An Lan was pierced by him, a little embarrassed.

Xu Bohan is really smart.

In his keen eyes, he seemed to be able to see any small abacus.

"It seems that I don't know enough about Chief Justice Xu," An Lan was not a fool, and soon realized something, "Premier Xu should have visited the restaurant with his girlfriend before."

When she asked, she was a little uncomfortable.

But also understand that everyone has a past.

No one is a simple boy or girl.

Xu Bohan raised his eyebrows and seemed to think of a less pleasant past.

"If you don't want to say it, it's fine," An Lan said, she also heard that he was abandoned by his fiancee when he was about to get married. It must be an embarrassing past for a man, and he should also love that woman very much.

Western food started to rise in succession, Xu Bohan's steak, An Lan's foie gras.

An Lan carefully cut the foie gras. She has studied abroad for many years, and she is very familiar with western dining. She is familiar with driving, but she noticed that Xu Bohan, who likes to eat at home restaurants, was only a little rusty at first, and later Familiar with him soon, but An Lan thought he would be more appropriate to retrieve the memory.

After Xu Bohan choked down the steak, he suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes were straight and dark, "I used to go to a western restaurant when I was dating."

"... I can see," An Lan nodded, and the delicious foie gras in the mouth was strange. "Presumably the presiding judge also treasured your girlfriend at that time."

"It was an ex-girlfriend," Xu Bo coldly corrected her mistake, but there was a slight scar in her eyes. "You must have heard someone say, I am the abandoned party."

An Lan yelled, "That ... there should be a sad past."

"Since I decided to chase you, it is right to confess my past to you," Xu Bohan put down his knife and fork, and his corners of his mouth became helpless. "Sometimes a judge has the helplessness of a judge. The judge has all the decisions, and the winning or losing of the case is also in the hands of the judge. My ex-girlfriend father company was involved in a dispute over a financial case and needed my help, but I refused. "

An Lan suddenly felt, at this moment, suddenly felt a little sympathy for her, "so your girlfriend hates you ..."

"That's not true, just that there must be a gap."

Xu Bohan frowned. "Later, I don't know what method they used to settle the case at home. Although my ex-girlfriend and I did not break up, his father's company was not affected, but because of that, she was not very comfortable.

She always thought that in my heart, she and her family were not important at all, that I was too ruthless, and his parents also liked me to oppose me, and never even mentioned the original wedding date. Behind them, they were also I was so provocative in front of my ex-girlfriend. In addition, something happened later in my family. They even felt that I was ruthless and unreliable, so ... I was just dumped by others. "

Second more. I can write one more now.

(End of this chapter)

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