Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1729: How about punishing you to call me cold forever?

Chapter 1729 Punish You For Calling Me Cold For A Lifetime?

Sure enough, Xu Bohan went on to say, "I paid for this meal, which means you still owe me the favor I helped you last time. If you are willing to date me, I will never use that favor. If you do n’t, Then I have to keep dating you with that kind of affection. "

An Lan smiled, under the light, smiling like a flower.

She didn't expect Xu Bohan to have such a cheeky day.

"If you can, I hope you can owe my kindness for a lifetime," Xu Bohan said in a quiet voice, and the deep light bloomed in his eyes.

The implication is that they can smoothly go on the next date, and then each date is paid for by him, he will pay for a lifetime.

Sometimes An Lan was really annoyed that his brain was moving too fast, and he could immediately understand what he meant.

Some love words are straightforward and moving, and some love words are more touching, especially when the other person has a handsome face and a magnetic voice.

It took almost more than ten seconds, and An Lan's face became feverish under his eyes.

How did she answer that?

She screamed in her heart.

However, as a woman, her superficial effort that is not easily touched still has to do enough, let him know that he is also the flower of Kao Ling, it is not easy to pick.

"I don't know if I can owe that favor all my life," An Lan pretended to chuckled calmly. "But didn't you say you want to go to Shifeng Mountain with us on Sunday."

"Well, I'll ask for marriage, what do you ask for?" Xu Bohan smiled.

An Lan raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I don't seek marriage. People like me who have crushed on others but failed, but in fact life is constantly being pursued by other men, so I don't lack marriage."

"I know, you just meet a liar of bad character occasionally when you are in a relationship," Xu Bohan looked at him with a smile, "In fact, you can ask for a good relationship, because you have too many bad relationships."

An Lan smiled stiffly.

"But you really don't need to ask for good destiny," Xu Bohan's cold face showed a charming smile, "I asked for it."

An Lan: "..."

I can't chatter every time I can chat.

"Why aren't you talking," Xu Bohan asked when she didn't say a word.

"What should I say," An Lan forced to ask the heat in his face.

"You can say ...," Xu Bohan paused, his lips bent, "... I think you're fine."

An Lan politely glared at him, "Judge Xu, I find that you are becoming more and more shameless."

"Po Han ..." Xu Bo Han reminded.

An Lan: "..."

Xu Bohan continued to repeat, "Bao Han, call me Bo Han later."

"I heard."

"I'm afraid you'll forget it again, you call me," Xu Bohan waited quietly.

"I won't," An Lan gritted his teeth.

"If you call me Chief Justice Xu again next time," Xu Bohan frowned. "How about punishing you to call Bo Han all my life?"

An Lan leaned back behind the chair, a sly smile twitched at the corner of her mouth, "Okay, if I were to marry in the future, I have to call your husband or dear, it seems that I still call you Bo Han Right. "


Xu Bohan frowned, then frowned deeply.

Of course, Bo Han was not what he finally wanted. If she called her husband or dear from her bright and charming mouth ...

Xu Bohan suddenly felt his throat dry. "Forget it, but don't repeat the mistake next time."

"What if I make a mistake, my mouth is on me," An Lan muttered, before you had a lawyer An in a mouthful.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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