Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1735: This dress has a classic taste

Chapter 1735: This Clothes Wears A Classic Taste

The next day, An Lan stepped into the office.

The colleagues of the law firm immediately looked at her back with a look of admiration, and even Ma Shuanghua, a lawyer older than her, cast her admiration on her. Gossip, I thought it was you stubborn, but I didn't expect ... oh, it's you that caught Master Xu's heart, terribly, terribly. "

"I already felt in the presiding officer Xu that he is the taste of the future grandma," Yan Wen said in a dog-legged manner. "Attorney An, you will definitely become a myth in the legal profession."

An Lan thought silently, wouldn't she want to be a myth in this way?

Li Yuchen winked and frowned, "In order to cultivate more feelings between you and the presiding judge Xu, I have decided to ... make Sunday's activities exciting."

An Lan's heart revealed an unknown feeling.

Li Yuchen grinned, "I decided that we wouldn't take the cable car that day, we would climb up the mountain."

"You're crazy," An Lan stared, "Do you know how high the mountain is? You decide for yourself that way."

"Attorney An, we all agree."

The voices of other colleagues sounded alongside.

An Lan: "..."

Yan Wen held her face with both hands. "Attorney An, don't be afraid. You can't climb that day, so let Chief Justice Xu carry you back and challenge him to work **** his bed."

An Lan's mouth twitched.

Kung Fu in bed has nothing to do with climbing people.

And Xu Bohan who only knows to stay in the office every day, it is estimated that he does not exercise all year round, it is good to be able to climb up, and still carry her?

Forget it, she's on her own.



At 8 am, the minibus stopped downstairs in the law firm.

An Lan was relatively early. When she got on the bus, there were already four or five people inside. She greeted everyone and Yan Wen immediately cleaned the position of the last row diligently. It was you and Presiding Officer Xu. I cleaned it up, it was very clean, it was very spacious, and it was very confidential. "

The corner of An Lan's mouth was slightly drawn, and the spaciousness was just fine. Confidentiality meant several things.

Although I know she and Xu Bohan must be sitting together, they are too deliberate.

"Mr. Yan, you did a good job," An Lan said with a smile on her lips and encouraged. "But I don't plan to sit in the last row, because if there is an accident on the highway, it is the hardest way to escape, so ... you Sit down, I have a lot of money left. "

After speaking, she directly picked the first row of the door to take a seat.

Yan Wen's expression was stiff. Attorney An, you said so. Does she still dare to sit?

After An Lan just sat down, she suddenly felt a little regretful. She should listen to Yan Wen to sit behind, but the double-seat chair is really not very spacious. Her woman sat down well, but Xu Bohan was tall ... ….

But just now, it's not good to go cheeky and go back.

At this time, Xu Bohan came up wearing black sports pants, the zipper was golden, the sleeves were lined with a golden Puma logo, and white casual shoes were worn underneath, and a thirty-year-old mature man was born against it. It seems as if he is six or seven years younger. Not only that, but he also wears black, which is difficult for ordinary people to control, to feel like a spokesperson, and also wears such clothes with a classic taste.

Not only did An Lan think so, other people in the car also thought so, Li Yuchen directly smashed his mouth and said, "When will Puma's clothes look so good, or I'll buy another one someday."

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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