Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1746: I eat by physical strength and talent

Chapter 1746: I Eat By Physical Strength And Talent

Another female colleague also howled, "Why do I have a boyfriend, but my boyfriend is weaker than me and asked me to pull him halfway."

An Lan: "..."

She wanted to remind them that Xu Bohan was not her boyfriend.

But it's all right.

While waiting for everyone to rest, Xu Bohan walked in front of her and said lightly: "The people in your law firm are too lacking in exercise, even women are fine, men are so weak, embroidered pillows, so men look good. Is it useful, look at me, even if you have a face, you still rely on physical strength and talent to eat. "


He rarely held himself up like this.

An Lan twitched at the corner of her mouth for a while, and thought it was weird. Then she pondered it carefully and looked up and asked, "Do you think the men in our law firm are embroidered pillows?"

Xu Bohan thought for a while and decided to explain his idea of ​​entering the law firm for the first time. "An Lan, your firm is relatively young. If you take it out and compare it with another firm, Surely your law firm won. "

An Lan understood, "Do you think that the people in our company have little strength? I think we recruit people who are attractive and young."

Xu Bohan pursed his lips, so he could remind him so much. If it wasn't for the two of them, he would definitely say no mercy, but now chasing people and dealing with the people in her law firm, he must be dignified.

"Xu Bohan, I tell you, my subordinates are young, but they dare to fight, dare to fight, and are not afraid of hands and feet. This is what our law firm needs. Yes, they may not be smart and smooth, but The lawyers who are too smooth are veterans who have been in the industry for decades. These people simply do not listen to us by virtue of their qualifications, and they always like to point their fingers at the point of view. Far away, this group of people will be the best to avoid harm. "

An Lan's small **** fluctuated. "After all, you are a judge. You are not a lawyer or a shareholder of the firm. You do not know our law firm."

Xu Bohan's eyes flashed a bit wrong, he really didn't understand, "Maybe ... because what I see is that your law firm always loses."

"That's not ... because of you," An Lan glared at him angrily.

"I?" Xu Bohan frowned. "An Lan, I didn't have any favoritism in the court, because the evidence in your own hands was not available."

An Lan rolled his eyes, "It's you, it's your eight character that is not in harmony with our law firm. Every time as long as our lawsuit is tried by you, you will always be caught off guard halfway. I, as our trump card. Attorney, you also lost in court last time. Come on, you do n’t even know me before. That ’s no disadvantage. You hardly lose a lawsuit. You are our nemesis. ”

Xu Bohan was speechless. As a rigorous legal worker, he never believed in these things. "An Lan, your office is too superstitious."

An Lan: "..."

Xu Bohan said bluntly: "All of this is just a coincidence. Don't blame our blame. As a legal practitioner, we should all be atheists."

An Lan smiled and pointed to the incense on his hand. "Since you are an atheist, what marriage do you come for?"

Xu Bohan gave a quick cough and said, "You are right, I really should be at odds with you, so for your law firm to win, you should accept me, so that we will never be in court Now. "

An Lan: How about martial arts?

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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