Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1754: I don't plan to be a guest all the time

Chapter 1754: I Don't Want To Be A Guest All The Time

Xu Bohan blinked, "Age is older, but people are not old, heart is not old, physical strength is not old, you want to try."

An Lan would like to reach out and pinch his face, but this intimate move is not suitable for two people, "Would you like to try to be kicked out by me?"

Xu Bohan didn't say anything for a moment. He lowered his head and started cutting meat with a kitchen knife. The bandage on his hand was particularly obvious.

An Lan glanced, looked back, poured a cup of warm water on the kitchen counter, and took out a glass bottle filled with white liquid.

"Want to drink yogurt," An Lan handed him a bottle.

Xu Bohan took the glass bottle politely, without any brand sign on it, "What brand is this?"

"Anlan," Anlan replied lazily. "I did it myself."

Xu Bohan blinked and wanted to ask her what brand of yogurt she likes to drink. She made it herself and asked him how to buy it. "I must try it."

After An Lan went out eating yogurt, Xu Bohan opened the yogurt and tasted it. He didn't know how she made it. The taste was delicious, much better than those yogurt that she drank during the day.

It took Xu Minhan 20 minutes to cook two noodles and put them on the dining table. An Lan came over. The noodles were filled with greens, a cooked egg, and meat foam. It was very fragrant before eating .

"Taste it, if there are any shortcomings, I will definitely improve," Xu Bohan said.

An Lan nodded and ate it with chopsticks. It was really delicious home-made noodles, and the meat was very strong. The noodles in this bowl were much healthier and more comfortable than eating outside. No wonder he was always selling There is a reason to come to her house for noodles.

"Not bad," she praised after her tasting.

Xu Bohan smiled slightly. Although he was confident in making noodles, he was still a little nervous. Now he is actually like a hairy kid, and he needs to be acknowledged and affirmed. Finally, she heard her approval, feeling Relieved.

"An Lan, I want to eat noodles later, on call."

An Lan stopped his chopsticks. "Sure, you're a judge, aren't you busy?"

"Well, it's busy, but life-long events are more important at the moment," Xu Bohan replied without flushing his heart.

"Eat yours," An Lan pouted, "I'm not a northerner, I don't like pasta so much, I just eat it occasionally."

"Except for making noodles, I have good skills for the rest. You can try them all," Xu Bohan recommended himself.

An Lan responded vaguely while eating noodles.

Xu Bohan ate faster. After eating, when An Lan finished eating, she immediately collected her noodle bowl, and then took it directly as if he were a guest here.

An Lan froze, looking at his back suddenly a little unhappy, "I will wash the dishes, you are a guest after all."

"No, I'll be fine, because I don't plan to be a guest all the time," Xu Bohan skillfully washed the two bowls.

An Lan dumb, this shameless man, he said so, what else can she say.

After washing the dishes, Xu Bohan also washed his hands with hand sanitizer, wiped them clean, and stood upright. "Since you have finished eating the noodles, I should also leave. You are tired today, and rest early."

An Lan scratched his head. He didn't expect that he would make a face and leave. "Would you like to sit down and rest?"

"No, I just came to make noodles, I said I could do it," Xu Bohan walked to the door and turned around, Qinglian's face was solemn. "And today is the first time I came to your house and stayed for a long time, Makes you feel insecure. "

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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