Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1757: He Mingqian, it's me who is playing against you this time

Chapter 1757 He Mingqian, This Time I'm Fighting With You

He Mingqian was dressed in a black suit, wearing eyes, well-dressed and personable like a gentleman.

An Lan was heartbroken. He was deceived by his appearance.

Looking back now, I almost want to dig my own eyes.

"Lan Lan, I haven't seen you for a long time, the style is still there," He Mingqian saw her, her eyes came up with a smile, and she reached out her hand.

An Lan glanced at his hand, didn't move, and felt dirty.

Li Yuchen stepped forward and held He Mingqian's hand: "He Mingqian, this time I'm fighting with you."

"Also," He Mingqian smiled, "Lan Lan last time you lost such a big freshman, presumably there are only some small lawsuits looking for you, but don't be discouraged, keep up your efforts, I believe that I won't need to be another assistant lawyer soon."

An Lanpi smiled and smiled, really a sinister villain, and said these words in front of her client, wasn't it just to make Wan Qi lose confidence in them? When it comes to the battlefield, it is most unfavorable to lose command.

"He Mingqian, don't be proud," An Lan sneered, "so as not to lose too ugly at the time, we are also prepared. I urge you to honestly separate out the property belonging to Ms. Wan, don't hide it, come to It was so ugly that Mr. Wu was ashamed. Mr. Wu is also a well-known figure after all. "

Wu Hefei smiled and looked at Wan Qi, "Wan Qi, I don't know where you find such a lawyer. Seriously, I admire your guts. The case of Yang, who was a while ago, is full of excitement. You dare to find them. So, for a husband and wife, I advise you to sign a divorce agreement earlier. I only have so much money. You have been a housewife at home. I don't know how difficult it is to do business now. "

"You fart," Wan Qi glared at him fiercely, "Wu Hefei, I was really blinded by the dog's eyes before marrying you. Don't be proud, do you think I have nothing clear with Song Mingming, I tell you We have all the evidence we need to know. Don't be too selfish as a person. I can't have you today. "

"I don't know what you're talking about, Song Mingming is just my assistant," Wu Hefei's face changed, "I can't stand your character because of divorcing you."

"You pull it down, you ..."

"Mrs. Wan ..." An Lan interrupted her and protected Wan Qi behind her. "Don't waste their fearless tongues with them outside. You can talk slowly after entering the mediation room. If you can't talk about it, we can only go on. Court. "

Just as the door of the mediation room opened, An Lan pulled Wan Qi and walked in.

Judge Lu Zhen sat in the middle position. She stayed on An Lan for a few more seconds. I heard that An Lan had a very ambiguous relationship with the presiding judge Xu in their yard, but she soon put those gossips aside, no matter what. How, the court is the court, the court only talks about the law, not the sentiment.

After Lu Zhen analyzed the case, he persuaded the two parties to negotiate a friendly divorce, which was a spouse and had children. There was no need to tear his face and go to court.

Wu Hefei and He Mingqian murmured for a while and said, "Judge Lu, you are right, although you are about to divorce, but the relationship is still there. Seeing my husband and wife for so many years, I am willing to divide four Million, I will pay for my child support in the future. I do n’t really get the extra money. ”

Wan Qi sneered, "Four million, you send a flower child, the company goes public for so long, and the annual revenue is more than four million."

"Mrs. Wan, this is where the strong man is," He Mingqian said faintly. "The company's bills are clear. There are only so many years of turnover every year. Divorce your property in half. You are a lion.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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