Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1761: This is what I should do, who makes you the woman I like

Chapter 1761 This Is What I Should Do, Who Makes You A Woman I Like

"If you don't want to win, you want to slip away," Li Yu said, sternly, "back" towards the two of them. "If I don't beat you down in the next lawsuit, I won't be Li."

An Lan was really angry today, but she calmed down and looked at Xu Bohan. Her heart was moved. He Mingqian said that kind of thing. He stood by his side for the first time. This trust is hard to come by. .

"Bao Han, thank you today."

For the first time, she called him "Poor Cold."

Xu Bohan suddenly found that her name was very nice, at least from her mouth, it was particularly pleasant, "This is what I should do, who makes you a woman I like."

He turned and stared at her bluntly.

There are also some colleagues in the courtyard standing nearby, and there are Su Run and Li Yuchen beside him. He suddenly confessed, making An Lan's instantly cramped face flushed, but without the slightest discomfort, a man can be Confession in front of colleagues, one is really like herself, the other is to let her have been insulted by He Mingqian.

Su Run even took a breath.

See what his leader said just now, is this still his dumb leader, it seems to be possessed by some strange species.

Li Yuchen gave a thumbs up, "Judge Xu, you really burst out. You don't know where you are better than the scumbag like He Mingqian."

"Is he comparable to me?" When mentioning that name, Xu Bohan Qingjun's face was clouded. "An Lan, I thought your ex-boyfriend was just a bad character. I didn't expect to be like this. This is not only It ’s just a matter of character, even a personality problem. The whole person is completely distorted. You can find a man on the street better than him. ”

An Lan lowered his head in embarrassment. Although he was not reconciled, he had to admit that he made sense. "This time, I will not let him go. I will sue him in person ..."

"No, I'll do it," Xu Bohan said lightly. "He insulted the woman I like, just insulted me. I said I would send him a lawyer's letter, and he would."

A presiding judge sent a lawyer letter to the lawyer ...

An Lan moved and couldn't resist the first two. "This ... you don't belong well."

"Whoever stipulates that being a judge cannot be involved in a lawsuit, and the judge is also a person," Xu Bohan stared at her with deep eyes. "The judge will have all emotions."


An Lan was embarrassed in his fiery eyes and wanted to get into the cracks. You have nothing to do with the relationship between the judge and the seven loves, but not the monk.

"Bao Han, I understand your intentions, but I'm better to sue. I can find Lawyer Li as my representative."

"He ..." Xu Bohan's gaze flickered at Li Yuchen, "What if I lose."

Li Yuchen seemed to be interrupted by the fluttering words. He was also a well-known lawyer, and he was so slighted that he wanted to cry.

An Lan also looked at him sympathetically, "Actually, Li Li ..."

"I'll find Lawyer Song Ruixue as my representative," Xu Bohan interrupted.

"Song ... Song Ruixue?"

Li Yuchen stammered, An Lan was also shocked. Who is Song Ruixue? Last time, he attended the 70th anniversary of Hosei University. He also graduated from Hosei University. Now he is the Taishan Beidou of the entire lawyers. I haven't lost a lawsuit in 20 years, and he has refused to have 300 million price for a giant to get him out of the mountain. Now I'm asking Song Ruixue to play such a small defamation case ...?

First more

(End of this chapter)

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