Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1788: When they are together, he always gives

Chapter 1788: Two People Together, Always He Is Paying

Su Runji said, "Leader, I knew you were so good. I must have introduced my cousin to you."

His cousin worked at the procuratorate, but he didn't dare mention it because his leader was an overtime fanatic.

Xu Bohan didn't look up, his face was indifferent. "Sorry, I don't look down on your cousin. Is there any woman smarter than An Lan in this world?"


Would you describe a woman as shrewd?

Su Run shamed, "Don't you like lawyer An because of her beauty?"

Xu Bohan glanced at him, not knowing how to bring out such a superficial assistant. "A lot of beautiful women are on the street. The plastic doorways are everywhere. I appreciate her calmness, calmness and shrewdness."

Su Run suddenly thought of his girlfriend who had nothing but beautiful and suddenly felt that she was superficial.


Immediately after work, An Lan called and said that he would discuss matters with the client in the court, and he would come to him directly after he came over. He didn't need to pick up.

Xu Bohan readily agreed that the law firm and the court were too far apart. It sometimes took an hour to get off the peak of work. Both were busy people. It was a great inconvenience to meet.

At 5.20, An Lan was waiting at the court gate. Many people in the court knew her, especially after she and Xu Bohan had been in contact. Someone kept coming up to say hello.

After dealing with the Nth person, a young man in a black suit and tie appeared next to her, smiling smirkingly, "Attorney An, hello, I'm Su Run."

An Lan immediately remembered that when he went to court, he seemed to see Xu Bohan sitting next to him. He was Xu Bohan's assistant to the judge.

"Hello," she shook hands with him quickly. "Are your judges off work?"

"The secretary came over to talk to him about the court hearing in the afternoon when he was leaving. It should be fast," Su Run laughed. "Are you going on a date, yes, remember to eat something delicious in the evening, and the presiding judge did not have it at noon. Eating and eating bread, he has been in the reference room for medical deception cases. "

An Lan froze, she was a smart woman, and immediately understood that Xu Bohan had done this for her, "Is it too busy to have lunch?"

"I've been really busy lately," Su Run explained. "A judge in the court has taken maternity leave. The workload of each judge is more than before, and the presiding judge is unwilling to delay personal matters at work. So I can only make time for dinner. "

An Lan trembled. She knew that Xu Bohan had a lot of work, but she didn't expect it would be so large, and under such a busy situation, she would come to find herself every night, and it was like this for her parents. Be on your mind.

Apparently he said to him that he wanted to wake up his parents by turning out to be deceived.

Think of the two people together, he is always giving, he seems to give very little.

Suddenly ashamed, she might have been harmed, so she was always careful.

"Assistant Su, thank you," An Lan pulled out her phone. "Can I add your WeChat."

"Of course you can," Su Run was happy. He was waiting for this moment. The leading girlfriend didn't have WeChat. How could he be a good assistant?

After adding WeChat to each other, Su Run left. About ten minutes later, Xu Bohan came down, wearing a jacket outside and a gray sweater inside.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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