Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1793: Do you think you married An Lan, that money is yours?

Chapter 1793: Do You Think You Married An Lan, The Money Is Yours

An Zhehui nodded, "It's not impossible that you said, but you can't say that Shanghai hospital is fake."

An Lan couldn't help but said, "Did you not talk to the doctor at the hospital?"

"Is your friend dealing with mental illness," Ji Qian asked, "if not how can he understand, and the doctors of Shanghai University might be more knowledgeable than the doctors of Xiacheng, I had a friend before It was said in Xiacheng that it could not be cured, but I went to Shanghai to make a trip, and now I'm jumping around. "

Xu Bohan said: "Of course it is OK if it is a regular hospital, but the private hospitals are for profit as the primary purpose. We also called the hospital and asked them to give the name of the medicine, but they also vaguely said for a long time. If it does n’t come out, I guess they developed it themselves, maybe they did n’t get national approval through formal channels ... "

"That's just your guess. If you haven't seen anybody's disease, you can't tell me the name of the medicine if you don't have any money," Ji Qian said, "If there are so many quack doctors, since the judge is in court, you should sentence him to This kind of hospital has been closed, or else the judiciary is doing it. "

"Mom, the judiciary is working very hard to maintain order, but some traps still need to beware of yourself," An Lan really can't hear, "I have contacted the doctor at that hospital, and the others told me in that tone. The sales are pretty much the same, can't you hear, and the doctor in that regular hospital will always call you every day. "

From yesterday to today, the doctor didn't bother to make three or four phone calls.

"In short, you just don't want to pay this money, right?" Ji Qian could see it. "Rest assured, I didn't intend to ask for your money. Wasn't that the lawsuit of An Ning before, that miserable man lost more than one million yuan, you Give us that money and I will go to An Ning for treatment. Your sister doesn't want to care about her. We can't let her leave it alone. "

"I can't let you be fooled just because it's An Ning's money," An Lan said annoyed. "Who knows when An Ning's illness will be good, she woke up, at least a little money in her hand, and there will be an arrest in the future. Besides, I bought her funds for her money, and bought it in her name. "

"Oh, you just used An Ning's money to invest, and you just wanted to take that money yourself, and you all fell into the money pit," Ji Qian exclaimed, "you have so much money, even your sister I have n’t let go of your money, and you have almost lost your bottom line. "

An Zhehui sighed and said nicely, "An Lan, take out the money, that's your sister's."

An Lan was able to vomit blood.

Xu Bohan gently pulled her behind, and her eyes became cold inch by inch. "If it was compensation money, as far as I know, that lawsuit was won by An Lan, and it didn't hurt her face. It is worth more than one million yuan. All of this depends on An Lan. In addition, An Ning's expenses from inpatient to mental hospital are all from An Lan, plus the money that An Lan will pay in the future, you have no reason at all. Ask An Lan for money. "

Ji Qian was furious. "When is our family's turn to take care of you, is the judge great? I said you shouldn't just want to seize our family's money. Do you think you married An Lan, that money is yours too." "

An Lan caressed her face, and she really felt ashamed. If it was another man, she would have been scared away by her parents.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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