Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1805: Deceased at the wedding

Chapter 1805: An Old Man At The Wedding

"Talking about the relationship between Bo Han and An Lan," Nian Junting quickly grabbed his wife and said with a smile, "It's really a pretty girl."

When Lausanne just took a photo, she heard An Lan talk about it. She was very surprised. Before she heard about Junjun Ting about Xu Bohan, she couldn't say that this person was bad, but it should be hard to deal with people. Is he suitable for An Lan?

However, Xu Bohan's appearance was nothing to say. Even if he faced the annual average Ting every day, he still couldn't help feeling the strong abstinence in this man.

"Strong alliance," Xiao added.

"Yes, I think so," An Lan nodded with a smile.

Yan Su smiled: "Sister An Lan, congratulations, you finally found your happiness, you must invite me to get married."

"Required," An Lan said, "I got a red envelope when you got married. I have to get the money back."

"She is ..." Xu Bohan stared at Yan Su.

"Yan Su, you don't even know each other," Xiao Qiang said, especially silently. "Now our most popular singer in Chinese music is our brother Lausanne, hey."

Xu Bohan was stunned. It turned out that An Ning was involved in her triangle relationship with Moluci. "Sorry, I don't usually listen to songs. If she got involved in a lawsuit and needed to go to court, I might know her."

Yan Su: "..."

Then he begged him not to know himself all his life.

Ji Nuyi laughed, "An Lan, your boyfriend is very interesting. It seems he doesn't know me anymore."

"I know," Xu Bohan nodded, "you have several lawsuits appearing in our Xiacheng court every year. Didn't you win an honorary case this year, did the other party compensate you for 50,000?"

Ji Nuan smiled: "That case won't make you the trial judge."

Xu Bohan shook his head. "Such small cases are generally not assigned to me."

Ji Nuanyi: "..."

How small, how small, anyway, she is also a big star, can you get the attention of the people?

With so many people chatting, the sky was so dead. Everyone didn't talk much for a while.

In the end, An Lan coughed softly. "Bao Han, just now Yan Su said that a friend recently encountered a case where the right to portrait was violated. I want to find out."

"Go, I'll find a place to sit and wait for you," Xu Bohan nodded calmly.

It didn't take long for An Lan and Yan Su to leave, and others like Jun Ting and Xiao Su also left because of entertaining guests and friends.

Xu Bohan found a place to wait for himself. Many people came to the banquet. In fact, it was nothing more than to get to know more friends and expand the social circle. But for people like him, he didn't need it at all.

There were some fruits on the table, and he looked down at social news while eating.

I didn't know how long it took, a shadow over my head came down.

He looked up, a man standing on the side, about thirty years old, in a gray suit, white casual pants, a handkerchief folded in his suit pocket, a long face, a hawk nose, and an ear drill on his right ear, looking ya Areum.

This face ...

Xu Bohan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then frowned slightly, "Xue Ye."

"It's hard for you to remember that I am such an old man," Xue Yan chuckled, cold in his eyes, "but no wonder, you must hate me for so many years."

Xu Bohan calmly poked away an almond fruit and said indifferently, "You think more."

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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