Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1835: Try another pillow

Chapter 1835: Try Another Pillow

"A colleague came to see me when you went back to cook in the morning. The rest I told them not to come. I want to be quiet," Xu Bohan said with a tired expression, and moved his body to the side. Open the quilt.

An Lan hesitated for a while, couldn't hold back asleep, and decisively pulled the curtain up, then took off his jacket and went into the bed to take a nap.

Feeling the softness of her body, Xu Bohan's mouth was tilted. Next time, next time, the two must sleep together on a pillow. This bed is still too small.

He didn't fall asleep. He lay all morning before, but An Lan fell asleep soon, and she slept quite well.

But Xu Bohan was unruly and secretly next to her.

This sleep went to sleep until three o'clock in the afternoon when the nurse came to give Xu Bohan some drips, and her neck was sore when she got up.

Xu Bohan saw it. After the nurse left, he raised an eyebrow at her. "Sleep with me at night. I have a pillow."

His words instantly made An Lan's heart beat like a bang, and she pretended to calmly brush her hair, "Is it great to have a pillow, and the quality of the pillows in the hospital is like that?"

Xu Bohan frowned, not giving up, "I think this pillow is very comfortable, you can try it at night."

An Lan wanted to laugh, please, couldn't make a better excuse if she wanted to confuse her.

Xu Bohan thought for a while, then said, "If you are not satisfied with the pillows in the hospital, you can try other pillows."

An Lan wondered, did the hospital have other pillows?

Xu Bohan slightly raised his lips and smiled, "My arms, my chest."


An Lan's face was red-eared and his eyes were white. "I see that you have no problem in your mind and can be discharged."

"I mean it," Xu Bohan watched her deeply.

An Lan's face was hot, she lowered her head and took out her mobile phone. She said vaguely, "That night ... try it."

Xu Bohan momentarily raised his mouth, and the joy in his eyes couldn't be masked.

In fact, hospitalization is not bad.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, after dinner, when An Lan took a mangosteen from a chair, Su Run came over.

Xu Bohan glanced directly at him with a cold eye, "I didn't mean to let you not come to see me, if there is a case, you can say on the phone."

There are always some light bulbs coming up to disturb him and An Lan, really annoying.

Su Run felt that she had been abandoned before she approached, a little aggrieved, "I'm not here to see you, I'm here to find lawyer An."

Xu Bohan's eyes narrowed, and a dangerous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Speak well."

Su Run grinned, "Leader, I really have a big deal. Didn't Lawyer An let me go back to the court to watch the surveillance when I left yesterday, I really found clues."

Xu Bohan frowned, An Lan's eyes lit up, "Who did they meet at the door?"

Su Run handed the photo to An Lan, "Attorney An, you should know this person, He Mingqian's assistant."

An Lan also recognized it. Her eyes were heavy, and her heart was filled with flames. It took a long time to make sure that it was He Mingqian who was making a ghost.

She didn't understand how there was such **** in the world, and there was no bottom line for revenge.

Su Run said: "I didn't know who he was at the beginning, and then checked other surveillances before I realized that he came out of the court building with He Mingqian. Yesterday afternoon, He Mingqian had a lawsuit in the court. Watching the surveillance showed that his assistant was looking for Zhao Gui talked for a few moments, and Zhao Gui left alone. About forty minutes later, he turned in from the court's family building and went directly to the top floor. I'm sure this is inseparable from He Mingqian relationship."

Fourth, continue tomorrow. .

(End of this chapter)

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