Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1843: It's too aggressive to laugh

Chapter 1843: It's Too Much To Laugh With A Smile

An Lan opened her mouth, she was indeed not his ex-girlfriend.

In other words, she has to know Xu Bohan better.

"An Lan, I never thought of breaking up with you," Xu Bohan held her hand slightly.

An Lan watched his deep eyebrows, and there was a ripple in his heart.

In fact, it is also good to look at the furniture. At least in the future, if there is a difference in the decoration style, she will never tolerate it.

The two walked around, An Lan took the tea from the salesman and took two sips. When he looked up, the door came in a man and a woman. The man was wearing a blue jacket, one meter seven or eight in height, with good facial features. The pretty woman held his arm and looked intimate.

When a man saw An Lan, his unnatural face was stiff and suddenly felt like hitting hyaluronic acid.

But within a second, he reacted quickly and bowed his head and turned away.

"Hey, Zhi Cheng, where are you going, don't you just go and check out this shop," the woman grabbed him delicately.

Xu Bohan was talking to the salesman in a low voice. At first, he didn't care about the two. He turned around when he found that An Lan was holding the tea and walking towards the door.

An Lan walked straight towards the door, her voice stern, "Deng Zhicheng, who is this woman?"

As long as she knows the atmosphere, she didn't expect to see Li Shuang's husband and other women holding hands in the home market.

Deng Zhicheng didn't look back and pulled the woman away. The woman also seemed to realize something, didn't speak, and left in a hurry.

"Do n’t dare to take a step and try it, I took the phone to take a picture," An Lan said coldly. "Now the phone pixels are better, better than SLR. I heard that the moon can be taken, you know, send it back to Li Take a look, I don't believe she can't see clearly. "

Deng Zhicheng stopped his body, and quickly turned around and smiled at An Lan, "An Lan, how are you, I just felt strange, as if I heard someone calling me in the back, hey, why are you here? The furniture market is here, this is ... I didn't hear Li Shuang said that you are looking for a boyfriend. "

"How did you just turn around at the door?" An Lanpi asked with a smile, "Who is that woman, your company colleague?"

"You're right, my assistant," Deng Zhicheng quickly pulled the woman next to him. "Don't get me wrong, this furniture city is too stuffy, it's all furniture. She smells these odors and I'll help her One, not what you think. "

"Yeah, I ... I'm not comfortable," the woman explained softly with a blank face.

An Lan glanced at her, indescribable. "It turned out to be an assistant. How did I just hear her call you Zhicheng intimately? Yes, you are still looking at the furniture together. I will see with my boyfriend. You It ’s interesting to see with your assistant. It does n’t seem to be a desk or chair. ”

"I'm showing it to my family. Isn't my son going to elementary school? I want to buy him a desk. I just need to do something to pass by here today," said Deng Zhicheng, smiling. "An Lan, don't think about it Too much, please, I don't want Li Shuang to misunderstand. "

An Lan smiled at him for a while, then suddenly raised her hand to the woman's face.

This slap, let alone Deng Zhicheng and the woman did not expect, even Xu Bohan did not expect, although he also saw that the man and the woman were wrong, but it was too fierce to laugh and start.

"Don't be a fool," An Lan's smile tightened a little, "I haven't seen any kind of person, and you have nothing to do with it. I don't see how obvious you are when you first enter the door, even if it is true Without crossing that line, it was ambiguous. "

Fourth more. . Tomorrow continues. .

(End of this chapter)

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