Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1857: I can't refuse to look at a woman like me

Chapter 1857: A Woman Who Looks Like My Face Can't Refuse

"Don't talk nonsense, you spy," An Lan glared at him, "he's very jealous."

Li Yuchen chuckled, "I can't see it."

"What do you see," An Lan didn't bother to care about him, and went straight to the meeting room.

Pushing the door in, a handsome man in a suit sat on the sofa and watched her come in, waving with a smile, "hi, Attorney An, we met again."

An Lan's memory is very good. Isn't this person he met at the Xiao wedding last time? The ex-boyfriend of Xu Bohan's ex-girlfriend is really complicated.

"Why, someone in your family has been murdered?" An Lan sat back opposite him with a smile and elegant legs crossed. "Either your parents are divorced, or your company has a legal dispute to go bankrupt. Anymore? "

Tang Yan's smiling face froze instantly.

"I'm only good at these lawsuits," An Lan put an arm on the back sofa cushion, propping up his temple, "other, you're useless to find me."

"No," Tang Lan hadn't finished, An Lan suddenly turned on the mobile timer. "Come on, my charging time is 4,551 hours. We charge by the second."

"Isn't it 2,551 hours?" Tang Yan gritted his teeth and pointed at the door for the consultation fee.

"The price has gone up, just now," An Lanfeng raised his eyebrows lightly. "I like slaughtering pigs."

"An Lan, don't go too far," Tang Yanqi blushed. "I'm sincerely looking for cooperation with you. Our company is going to sign a big project with someone recently and needs legal counsel. I know you are good at it. This is Xiao Xiao's company's project has always been your responsibility, I can pay higher than them. "

"I've been busy recently, I don't have time," An Lan said with a smile, "Of course, if someone is killed in your family, or my parents are divorced, I am very willing to take it, because I am very kind, especially like to take your home. lawsuit."

Tang Yan stood up angrily, "You deliberately, you are such a vicious woman."

"A lot of people say me like this today," An Lan yawned. "Besides, what purpose do you have to come to me, you know in your own heart, who knows if you will dig a pit for me, you ca n’t retaliate Xu Bohan. Had to come to me. "

"Are you afraid?" Tang Yan laughed absurdly and said sarcastically, "Attorney An is so brave that he won't make any money."

"Don't punch me, it's useless," An Lan smiled softly. "You don't understand the wealthy and non-profitable mentality of a wealthy lawyer like me. Furthermore, I'm so beautiful and you really like it What should I do? I don't want to be caught in a peach-colored dispute and affect my relationship with my boyfriend. Furthermore, I will be the general counsel for President Nian and President Xiao because they are so handsome. Law refuses. "

The implication is that he is not handsome enough.

Tang Yan took a deep breath so that he would not be suffocated. "Can I look good?"

An Lan slowly stood up and walked in front of him. "I can't catch the woman's heart. Don't think about using this improper method to make other people unhappy. I know everything you think from you You can lie to a little girl who has no money and no social experience, you can lie to me, too tender, if I am you, the other person ’s heart is not on me, I will never entangle, a lot of time in life, why bother to let Bo Han will not soon come to entangle with a strange woman like me, being insulted and trampled by me. "

The scent of her body rushed towards her face, and Tang Xuan fainted.

"The money is charged by the minute and you can go," An Lan pointed at the minute on the phone and showed him, turned and walked toward the door.

Second more. .

(End of this chapter)

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