Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1868: Sorry i cant pick you up

Chapter 1868 Sorry, I Can't Pick You Up

"Sure, yes," Xuan Yuanlang chuckled. "But he is not from Xiacheng. I first entered Xiacheng. The lawyer I hope is a local one. It is good to meet some. He is a foreigner after all."

"You just trust me like that?" An Lan understood, and understood that his concerns were justified.

"I've heard a little about your sturdyness. I am a lawyer for money," Xuan Yuanlang said jokingly. "I admire people who love money as much as I do. Such people have a strong ability to do things."

An Lan smiled, "Let's have a meal at noon tomorrow."


At noon the next day, the two met at a nearby high-end Western restaurant, open-air, and outside was Victoria Harbour, with a wide view.

An Lan listened to Xuan Yuanlang talking about his new project in Xiacheng. He had to be sighed that people like Jun Ting and Xuan Yuanlang were far-sighted and always walked in front of others. They were not predicting the future market development, but Drive the direction of the market.

"Aren't you afraid I'll go back and tell your general manager about your project?" An Lan said jokingly.

"You must have professional ethics," Xuan Yuanlang said with a wine glass with a smile, "unless you don't want to mingle in this industry."

"You are so cruel, I am your schoolgirl after all," An Lan sighed softly.

"It's not the moment when you decide to betray me," Xuan Yuanlang picked up his knife and fork, his eyes sharpened, "but you won't. Based on my understanding of the average annual average, he is not interested in these items, and some are confidential. I will not let you be responsible for the agreements and contracts. These are drafted by my legal adviser. As long as you are responsible for establishing the company system there, it is enough to prevent and resolve some legal risks and labor contract issues. Of course. , If it involves some negotiations and disputes you need to come forward. "

"I can't figure it out by myself. I need to bring our law firm," An Lan said. "After all, your project is quite big."

"The deal."

Xuan Yuanlang clinked with her. "See you in Xiacheng."

An Lan was eating in a good mood for this meal. After returning, he and Li Yuchen went on the phone and talked about it. The other party listened with great joy. "Oh, lawyer An, you are really my **** of wealth, I didn't expect you Not only did I know Junting Nian, but even Xuan Langlang's line has been put together. This project is well run. He will definitely cooperate with us at that time, and I know that you have abalone to eat ... "

"Stop it," An Lan said politely. "If you really think you have abalone with me, don't be a spy for Xu Bohan. The last time you gave the flowers was you ventilated the letter."

"Don't say that, Mr. Xu will become your insider sooner or later," Li Yuchen laughed. "I am in good relationship with your future husband in advance. Besides, I do this because the relationship between you does not appear to think Misunderstanding with that kind of dog blood. "

"You pull it down," An Lan didn't want to talk about him anymore.

In the afternoon, the group flew directly back to Xiacheng.

Before boarding the plane, An Lan and Xu Bohan went to a phone call. On the court side, Xu Bohan was preparing to go to court. After receiving it, he was helpless. "An Lan, I'm sorry, I can't pick you up."

Sometimes as a judge, he is really helpless. Unlike other civil servants, he can take a leave and leave. He basically has to sit in court every day and cannot take leave.

"It's okay, just make my favorite meals after work on time in the afternoon," An Lan said with a smile. "Every day I'm tired of Hong Kong's mountains and seafood, and I'm a little missed by your coarse tea."

First more

(End of this chapter)

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