Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 295: Year after year, this drama is played out one after another

Chapter 295: Year After Year

Yi Jingxi shrugged her away indifferently and glared at her.

Zhong Yi pursed his lips and glared at Lausanne again, deepening his resentment.

Lausanne was helpless when he received this grievance.

Year after year, this drama has been played out one after another, and she has no idea at all.

Next, Ji Nuan pulled her hand, gave her thumbs up, and whispered, "Fortunately, your boyfriend is not in the entertainment industry, otherwise there is something else for the film director award every year."

Lausanne laughed loudly.

Nian Junting held her hand gently, grabbed her lips and kissed her with arrogance, and gave Yi Jingxi a hard blow.


At 9.40, the charity event officially ended.

A total of thirty items were auctioned, of which the average annual thunder was the most popular.

After the end, many star mall tycoons praised him.

Yi Jingxi wanted to leave for the first time while he was surrounded, who knows that he was summoned by the average annual thunder.

"General Yi, no matter how you are also a tycoon in the entertainment industry, just a movie villa will let you harvest billions of dollars, but in this charity event you only made four million, next time I hope you actively participate ,

It ’s not enough to keep the money in your pocket. You still need to help more poor children. You must know that it may only be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands for you, but it is a huge wealth for a family in a poor area "The extremely mean words that Junting Ting said were very important.

That way, if it wasn't for Lausanne who knew him so well, he would really be touched.

An old man in the business community praised, "Not only is the young and promising at home, but also a valuable heart. President Murong can really educate his grandson. If I have such a good grandson, I dream Will wake up smiling. "

"Uncle Cheng, I just do what I think is right," Nian Junting responded modestly.

When Yi Jingxi saw the picture, for the first time, he wanted to drag his shoes on his face without paying attention to the image.

Why don't you go to the show?

The mall has been mixed for so many years and I have never seen such a hypocrisy.

If he hadn't been overshadowed by his pitted heart, he would have paid for it wherever he went.

After that, he was just preached by the righteousness, making him look like a stingy adulterer.

He'd be better off, carrying a reputation that attracted much attention.

But when he turned his head, he could only break his teeth and swallow it.

"Nian Zong, listen to Jun, read a book for ten years, I have been taught today," almost finished his teeth, and Yi Jingxi waited for the others to go.

"Look at it, it seems as if you are not convinced by what he said," Nian Junting said to Cheng Lao. "My grandfather often says that even if you have money, don't forget to do good."

Cheng Lao comforted, "Why do you care about him and step on a woman by any means, the villain."

Lausanne on the side heard a word, how did anyone know about it.

"Oh, why is Uncle Cheng saying this," Nian Junting raised an eyebrow.

Cheng Laodao: "I only heard about it recently. You know what Xu Zhengye deserves, although he deserves it, Yi Jingxi is engaged to another daughter after all. Who knows that when Xu Zhengyi was imprisoned on the front foot, he lied to Xu Leaving and leaving nothing else for her daughter,

You said that this lack of virtue is after all, because his daughter can enter Xu's family. What is even worse is that after the people are left with nothing, they must completely kill their daughter in the entertainment circle, so that they can even work. I ca n’t find it, but I do n’t know where it went. "

This is Chapter 39. The previous picture was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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