Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 299: Hungry twitching, others are still thinking about taking advantage

Chapter 299: Hungering Convulsions, People Still Thinking About Taking Advantage

Ji Nuanyi frowned, "Yi's acquisition of Yuxi also relied on him to draw a bridge from it. Did you forget to tell you that he still has a three percent stake in Yuxi?

"I see. Miss Ji really revealed a big secret to me this time," Xiao said with a very simple look.


River View Suite.

Lausanne took a shower and his legs were a little sore.

She checked it in the bathroom just now, and found that it was a little bit peeled and still very red. It was probably rubbed too hard by him.

Thinking of the things that happened in bed before, she really wanted to stay in the bathroom forever.

Why is this guy so energetic?

She wanted to cry.

I came here once last night, and tossed another 40-50 minutes this morning.

This is still hovering around the main battlefield. If you enter the main battlefield, it is estimated that you will not get out of bed.

In the living room, the average young Ting was sitting on the sofa in a well-dressed suit, but it took only a while. His hair had been meticulously combed, and his spirit looked more trembling than before.

When she went out, Lausanne felt that he looked at his own eyes, much like when Xiaosi was staring at a large piece of meat and bones ...

"Lolo, are you hungry?" Asked Jun Ting.

"Well, I'm hungry," Lausanne said, thankfully she didn't mention the shame.

"Yeah, if you just agreed to take a bath with me, we could save more time for breakfast earlier, and you wouldn't have the problem of starvation," Nian Junting said in a tone of passing people.


She really looks down on him.

It's shameless. After climbing the bed, I still thought about taking a bath.

"Don't you think that when a woman says that she is hungry, should you book me breakfast immediately?"

Why come to him, the romance of romantics in all TV series and novels has disappeared.

"Not to mention I let you take advantage from last night to just now," Lausanne said more and more angry.

Still a little grieved.

For the first time she was treated like this by a man, and she became convulsed with hunger. People still thought about taking advantage.

Somehow, the eye circles suddenly turned red.

In addition to seeing her crying in the hospital last year, Junting Ting basically never saw her eyes red.

Women's emotions came too suddenly, shouldn't it be because they were too hungry and cried.

Suddenly he was at a loss, "I was just because I was afraid that you were hungry, so I made my opinion just now."

Lausanne stared at him.

He also said and said.

He was guilty of staring at him and stood up. "I went to the restaurant and asked them to deliver breakfast. It was too much. A luxury suite didn't even deliver breakfast, starving my woman. Never come again. "

He finished speaking and dialed the landline in front of Lausanne.

After dialing, he did not wait for the other side to speak, and he scolded his head and covered his face.

The grievance at the front desk replied, "Did you say last night that you should not send breakfast to disturb you to sleep?"

"It's good to know that you are negligent. Next time, please don't make this mistake again in your hotel. Hurry up and bring breakfast. My girlfriend is hungry."


Hang up without waiting for the front desk to answer.

Nian Junting looked up and said to Lausanne, "The hotel said that it would be delivered soon, Luoluo, don't be angry, you are really hungry, there seems to be instant noodles in the room, I will give you a box."

Lausanne: "..."

Chapter 47

(End of this chapter)

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