Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 309: She's not his chef

Chapter 309 She Is Not His Chef

His eyes brightened every year.

My heart is warm.

His little Lolo is so good. He took care of Xiao Junting at night, and was busy taking care of his stomach in the morning.

Look at your mother and Nian Xi.

One only knows makeup care in the early morning, and the other is non-stick spring water.

Not even a woman with a finger.

"Lolo, I want to drink porridge, as well as sandwiches with butter and honey. The eggs are well cooked. Add another ham and help me get corn. I like corn," he said quickly.


Lausanne Black Line, how can she have so many ingredients, not to mention she is not his chef.

It was good enough to make him, even ordering. ,

I didn't bother to care about her before turning around and leaving the bedroom.

Forty minutes later, Jun Ting looked at a bowl of dry noodles on the table. "This is definitely the humblest and worst breakfast I have ever had."

"Don't you say that everything I make is delicious," Lausanne said as he ate.

"You should at least put me an egg, and onions, not even soup, just send me some raw soy sauce and stir me up," Nian Junting protested.

"I don't have time. I have to rush to class and change clothes and make-up," Lausanne quickened.

Annual average Ting: "..."

Well, she turns out to be no different from her mother in the morning.

The only difference was that she would send him a dry noodle.

At this moment, the door opened, Yan Su buried her head and hurried in to change shoes. "Lolo, you haven't left yet. Wait for me. I'll take a bath and go to school with you."

She looked up and saw clearly that the average annual Ting wearing only a pair of trousers in the restaurant was stagnant, and she stuttered for a long time: "year ... year, last night ... you sleep this ...?"

The gaze shifted towards Lausanne.

Lausanne blushed. After all, for the first time, I encountered this dilemma of bringing my boyfriend to the house. "It was too late to come back last night, and you said you didn't come back. He said that he would stay because he was afraid that I would be unsafe alone.

"Oh, I know, I know, you guys are busy," Yan Su rushed into his room.

Years Jun Ting blinked, staring down and taking chopsticks to eat noodles.

"There is a girl at home. You go and put on your clothes first," Lausanne shoved him. "And aren't you cold?"

"Well, with you, I feel like I'm burning every second," Nian Junting shrugged helplessly. "And Lu Kang hasn't delivered clothes yet."


Lausanne didn't bother him, grabbed the shirt he wore yesterday and threw it on him.

At eight twenty, Lau Kang and Yan Su went out before Lu Kang arrived.

"Remember to close the door when you leave," Lausanne said after a few words.

As soon as she came out of the unit building, Yan Su smiled at her with an ambiguous smile. "She also said that she wouldn't live together like this, and wouldn't use Okamoto, so she brought someone to spend the night so soon, heh."

Lausanne blushed, refuting, "I'm useless Okamoto. It doesn't have to be a relationship overnight."

Yan Suhehe, "It's useless Okamoto, who scratched the nail prints on the chest of General Nian, I saw them when I entered the door, and my eyesight is very good."

"We didn't break through the last layer anyway," Lausanne gritted his teeth firmly.

"Okay, at this rate, you can't live with me for a long time."

Yan Su rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "You can bring him back. Anyway, I've been very busy recently. The company said that he would release an album for me in March of this year. Hey, have you heard that Ye Chuen plans to sign Feng? All right, it seems that his grandmother greeted the boss over there.

Today's update is over.

Tomorrow will continue.

(End of this chapter)

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