Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 338: I thought Jun Ting took your phone to send

Chapter 338: I thought the average Ting took your phone and sent it

After WeChat was sent, Lausanne did not reply for a long time.

Annual average Ting held his cell phone fretfully around.

When she looked up, she noticed that Lan Lan stared at her intently, "Master, can I return my mobile phone to me?"

"What's the matter, you go to breakfast first," said Jun Ting coldly.

After waiting another three minutes, I couldn't help sending it again: Why don't you return to me, do you not love the young master?

About half a minute after sending, Sister Lan's cell phone suddenly rang.

The word "Xu Luosang" dangled on the screen, and the average annual Ting's fingers were hot, and he hung up quickly. After thinking about it, he replied: Master is by my side, I'm not answering the phone.

Lausanne: Oh, I thought Jun Ting took your mobile phone and sent it.


Junting Nian coughed, and returned: How is it possible that the young master would not do such a naive thing, and these days the young master always plays very late before coming back, listening to Xiao Shao that the young master is playing in the bar, quite a lot Women chase him, I have a good relationship with you, so I am particularly concerned about the relationship between you and the young master. The young master is really a good man. Don't miss it.

Lausanne: I don't have it. I think he is very happy playing in the bar. How can I disturb him so much? Let him play if he likes to play. He said he should go out and play more.

A pretty flower: I will ask you if you still love him or not, if you love, go to him on Christmas Eve tonight, Christmas Eve is not together, like what, unless you really want to break up, unless you really I want to recombine with Yi Jingxi. What's so good about that Yi Jingxi, even our young master can't match his hair.

Lausanne: It's hard to say, let's talk on the phone.

A pretty flower: Isn't it just a sentence? I have nothing wrong to say.

Lausanne: Do n’t be excited, just talk to us on the phone. Go to the side and do n’t let your young master hear you. Besides, he ’s by your side and you can talk for so long on WeChat, so he wo n’t say you. .

A pretty flower: You crow's mouth, the master really said me, I'm going to clean up, you don't have to say it, don't wait for the master to be robbed.

After sending the last text message, the average annual empties cleared the chat history, and she was annoyed and returned to Sister Lan: "She seems to be a little skeptical that I was sending your text message. If she calls, you will not admit it."

Sister Lan is under great pressure: "Master, can you tell me what you talked about, or I'm afraid I can't get it right."

Tingjun Jun's face became hot and vaguely said, "It's all about persuading us to make peace with your tone."

After that, he walked away with long legs and strode away.

Sister Lan looked at her phone and laughed secretly.

After the young master fell in love, he really did not take his face seriously.


Sheng Ting President's Office.

The entire secretary's office felt that their president was in a very depressed mood today.

In the morning, it was only the secretary who ate an apple and was severely criticized by Mr. Nian. Lu Kang kindly sent an apple in, and was directly trained by the average annual Ting: "You are positive when you eat an apple. Why does the email source matter? Nothing is happening now. "

Lu Kang is innocent: "I went to check the place where the courier was sent. The person who received the courier said that he had received a phone call to pick it up. Only when he got there did he find that the person who sent it was a blind man. The blind man said that someone gave him a thousand He asked him to post, and it was a man who listened to the voice. "

Junting Ting smiled, "There is still this kind of operation."

Sansang: I have seen everything.

Tenth more later.

Dear friends, don't worry, we will jump out in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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