Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 478: He said you might be an endocrine disorder

Chapter 478 He Said You May Be An Endocrine Disorder

Downstairs, Mr. Nian Junting called Dr. Han, "My woman came to my aunt to be angry with me and to make troubles. What do you think I should do?"

Dr. Han: "Uh ... I'm a doctor, not a female expert, have you done something that is sorry to others?"


Dr. Han had to ask: "Is that a stomachache and a bad mood?"

"I just know she's not feeling well, yes, and came early."

"Will it be an endocrine disorder? I heard that women with endocrine disorders are irritable and moody."

"... It's possible," Jun Ting nodded. "Then how do you say how to treat it."

"Eat more light, exercise more, do not give her pressure, do not quarrel with her, be patient, **** life must be harmonious, partly may be the reason for too little **** life," Dr. Han said, "Yes, I made an appointment for you, Dr. Liang, a psychologist. Let's go and see. "

"What's so nice, I think I'm normal," Nian Junting's face turned dark.

"Yes, it's normal for you to be with Miss Xu, but when you went to the hospital for a checkup, you were not qualified. The doctor said that you have no problems with your physiology, maybe it's psychological," Dr. Han said, "I think it might be your father It ’s exciting with your mother. "

"So what, anyway, in my life, I will only marry Xu Lausanne, and I don't want to talk to other women, as long as I have a reaction to her."

Dr. Han sighed, "Have you ever thought about whether you are with her because only she can cure you or because you like her, even if you like it, if there is one day, you do n’t like her, is it because of you? The cause of the condition, you can only continue. "

"Why don't I like her," Ning Junting said inexplicably. "Since you like it, you should always like it to the end, Han Ming. Will you change your heart to your wife in the future? I need to talk to your wife."

Han Ming frantically said, "I don't have it. I just think about it from your standpoint."

Every year, Tinghehehe, "There are really few good things about men now, goodbye."

He finished talking.

Then on the sofa, carefully recalled the endocrine precautions that Han Ming said.

Too little sex?

Are they too few?

Is it too little once a day?

Annual average Ting is in trouble.

In the evening, Lausanne was pulled down for dinner by Sister Lan. During the whole process, she didn't look at the average annual thunder.

Nian Junting finished his meal quickly and cleared his throat. "Luo Luo, I asked Dr. Han. He said that you might be an endocrine disorder. You can go out and run and run more in the future. In addition, I think we ... That can be increased to twice every night. "


Lausanne clenched his chopsticks and wished to buckle the rice bowl to his head.

Can't satisfy him once, it takes twice?

Knowing she was so tired, she ignored her feelings again and again.

How could she fall in love with such a person.

The average annual Ting still has to continue to talk, the phone rang, and the young cloud called.

"What's the matter?" He asked lightly.

"Damn thing."

Qing Qing rushed out, "Your sister just told me that she wouldn't marry Ji Chuan. I'm almost furious. Good, why don't you suddenly get married? Is there something wrong? I asked her She even told me that she still wanted to think again in her life. She didn't want to regret it in the future. How hasty, the engagement has been so long. She has been waiting for Ji Chuan. My news has been sent. He also took Ji Chuan to see his subordinates, saying that he was my future son-in-law, and what was Ning Xi thinking about. "

The sixth more continues tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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