Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 565: What qualifications do you like?

Chapter 565: What Qualifications Do You Like

She didn't think too carefully. After all, she was outside all the year round and had little contact with children. The only contact was the younger brother Leng Zhe remarried a few years ago. She felt very cute.

But I never thought about my future children.

After all, he didn't have a boyfriend, and never got married.

But I also understand that a woman without a child will lose a lot of joy, and a family will not be complete.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," Jiang Qifei saw her sudden disappointment, and quickly comforted, "You can rest assured that Mom will make the young Jun Ting responsible to you, that the murderer will assassinate the old lady because it is Xu Luosang For her sake, it involves Xu Lausang's ex-boyfriend or something. She has resentment against Xu Lausang, thinking that if she kills the old lady, she will never accept her. "

Cold frost slightly staggered.

Leng Zhe reprimanded, "Can you add less fuel and vinegar? Didn't you hear the police say that there is also a reason for Miao Zheng, who is abusing others."

"In short, when the murderer was murdered, they all called Xu Lausang's name," Jiang Qifei said excitedly. "The Nian family said at the beginning that they agreed to marry you, but he didn't agree. It must be because of that Xu Lausang, but you Rest assured, because the old lady is no longer pregnant, they must give you an account of this. "

"You're enough, you're embarrassed to say," Leng Zhe was intolerable. "If it wasn't for the things you did that year, Shuang Wei might have married the young Jun Ting. To be honest, now I want to be in-laws with Qing Qing Yun. Disgusting, don't do it. "

"I admit that I have made a mistake, but now I just want my daughter to be happy," Jiang Qifei said in tears after being grieved. "For so many years, Shuangwei has not treated me very much, and I regret it. I also learned a lesson, but I ’m so old, it does n’t matter. Shuangwei is the problem. She ca n’t give birth. Do you want her to marry a second marriage, or have no children for a lifetime, so you must marry Junting. ”

"Well, don't quarrel," Leng Shuang said with a little excitement, because the voice was too loud, and the wound on the lower abdomen was tingling. "Yes, I like Junting, but what else do I look like now? Qualifications like people, do you really make people responsible for me, do you have no children in your life? "

"You can adopt one," Jiang Qifei said.

"Adopting is not always his own child, which man does not want to have an heir," Leng Shuang covered his wound slightly, but there was no pain in his heart.

She has loved the average youngster since she was a child, but now she is disqualified.

"Also, mom, don't say anything about responsibility. I am a policeman and I was a soldier. Saving people is my responsibility. Do I have to hold someone responsible for me every time I rescue myself?"

Frost froze slightly and closed his eyes.

"From the time I became a soldier, I was prepared for possible injury or sacrifice. Now I just can't get pregnant. It's a blessing. I'm not a mother. I will serve the motherland in the future."

"How can you have such a thought," Jiang Qifei patted his chest with a heartache, "you want to **** me off."

"I can rest assured that you can think that way," Leng Zhe nodded wryly, "Jiang Qifei, don't you say that, okay, Shuang Wei just woke up, don't tell her those disturbing things."

Jiang Qifei stared at him fiercely, but after all he didn't speak.


At the door of the ward, Jun Ting leaned against the wall with a complex look.

He heard the conversation inside.

He was not surprised that Leng Shuangwei would say such a thing.

Although this woman is thicker and narcissistic, she is stronger than the average woman. It is indeed a woman like steel.

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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