Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 574: Lausanne's teeth never left marks on his neck

Chapter 574 Lausanne's Teeth Have Never Left Traces on His Neck

"I also feel that your dad isn't quite right. It seems to be easy for your daughter," said Jun Ting frowning.

"How are you looking for the people involved in my dad's case before," Lausanne asked a little anxiously.

"Two have been found, but the most critical one has not been announced yet," said Jun Ting. "It shouldn't take long."

"Even if found, it would be troublesome not to overturn their confession," Lausanne smiled bitterly.

"I have gone to the lawyer team to study the original case."

"The team of lawyers you're talking about will not be the lawyer An Lan'an I've seen before," Lausanne asked.

Junting Nian nodded, "The last problem was mainly with Huang Haoyun. Attorney An is our chief lawyer of Sheng Ting. It has always been quite good. Rest assured, my public and her are private and private.

"I said nothing," Lausanne pouted.

"The last time you said she liked me and ate her vinegar," Nian Junting shaved her nose, "so I'll explain it to you first."

"You know, when my case is clear, we invite her to dinner together," Lausanne reached out and hugged him.

The two were about to get in the car, and suddenly saw a Porsche in front of them, slowly stopping in front of them.

A pair of black leather shoes stepped out of the car first, and then there was Yi Jingxi's handsome face.

The weather in Ancheng was still slightly cold in spring. He buckled his suit and walked towards the two of them. He was tall with long legs and wide shoulders.

Lausanne noticed that he had disappeared for a while, and his cheeks were a lot thinner, but some people still looked good even if they were thin.

Nian Junting relaxedly opened the tightly wrapped scarf around his neck, and Yi Jingxi approached and saw the striking scar on his neck. The clever men could all see the teeth marks of women.

When will a woman's tooth print fall on a man's neck.

At least Lausanne's teeth had never left marks on his neck.

Yi Jingxi felt that he stepped on the steel needle every step, from the soles of his feet to the bottom of his heart.

Although it has long been known that the two were together, seeing it with their own eyes is another matter.

So he can only vent his anger all the way to love.

I heard that Zhongyi assassinated Grandma Ningjun Ting, he knew that she was perverted and thought it was pretty good. Something happened to the old lady, and they would definitely be separated, but the old lady was discharged from the hospital, and the two remained together.

Whenever he thought of it, he wondered how it was enough to be just in jail.

She had created so many so many misunderstandings between Lausanne and herself that they had reached the end of today's impossible road.

"I heard that you looked for my mom in the nursing home," Yi Jingxi looked away and set her gaze on Lausanne.

Her eyes were red, and she looked like she had cried.

It's just that he now rests in the arms of Tingjun Ting, like a little woman.

"You refuse to say, I have to find out the grudges between you and our family," Lausanne said lightly. "Your mother was a student of my dad while studying. I wonder if there is any misunderstanding between the two. I just asked my dad, and he said she has never been with your mother, nor has she played with your mother. "

"Xu Zhengxi is really not a thing," Yi Jingxi sneered, saying insincerely, "you thought I would leave a handle and give you a chance to reverse the case."

Lausanne frowned, with a slight impatience. "Since you refuse to say, what are you doing here?"

Seventh more

(End of this chapter)

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