Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 583: You will have menstruation today, why not

Chapter 583 You Are Coming Menstruation Today, Why Not

An Lan was ashamed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Nian, there is not enough evidence. In this month, our team stayed up late every day to work overtime to find historical information and similar cases. We found several grounds for appeal and were rejected."

Another lawyer, Zhao An, said: "The main reason was that the case was too big. If the case is to be reversed, there is not enough evidence that the court will not give it, because once this lawsuit is reopened, it will attract outside attention. The judge also There will be great risks, if not done well, it may be questioned by public opinion. "

"Yeah," An Lan nodded. "The case of obscenity has always been the concern of the public, especially the case of Xu Zhengyi. It was almost the concern of the whole people that year. It would be nice if the main victim of that year, Zeng Lijuan or Xu Zhengyi's secretary, would be fine."

"Zeng Lijuan died in a car accident. The secretary is said to have changed his face and returned to China, but disappeared a while ago," said Jun Ting coldly. It was originally a fake, and I ran abroad again. I don't know what status I will change. "

"It would be nice if there was very direct evidence," An Lan said with regret.

"Forget it," said Lausanne, who had been sitting silent, "the lawsuit has not been given and there is no way we can continue to think about it, lawyer An. They have done their best."

Nian Junting looked at her forbearance, frowned, and said, "Let's meet."

After An Lan and others left, Nian Junting stood upright and walked behind Lausanne, pressing his hands gently on her shoulders. "Sorry."

Originally vowed to say yes, the case must be reversed within six months and Xu Zhengzheng was released from prison, but it is now April.

Thanks for coming out at the end of the long lawsuit.

"It's okay, you've done your best," Lausanne gently shook his hand on his shoulder. "You have so many lawyers running around for my dad's affairs, and it costs a lot of money."

"For you, it doesn't matter how much money you spend. The important thing is to save our dad," Nian Junting stooped and pressed his face against her little face.

Our dad ...

Lausanne smiled slightly.

Sometimes it was touching to find his faceless and skinless.

She took his hand and stood up. "Don't mention these unpleasant things. Let's go to dinner together. It's hard to be busy at night and go to the movies with you."

"it is good."

The annual average Ting nodded.

After watching the movie and returning to the villa, Junting Ting embraced her from the bathroom to the big bed.

After he finished, he hugged her and rubbed on the bed. When Lausanne was almost lethargic, he suddenly heard him say, "Yes, Luo Luo, my mobile software shows that you will have menstruation today, why not."

"Sometimes menstruation will come late or early," Lausanne said in a vague manner in his arms.

"Oh," Ning Junting relented until she fell asleep.


In the afternoon of the next day, Lausanne finished eating in the cafeteria and walked back to the dormitory after class. As soon as he was downstairs in the apartment, a black car slowly stopped by her. The window opened. Jiang Qifei took off his sunglasses and looked at her. Fang couldn't get in the car and talk for a while. "

Lausanne froze, paused, frowned, "If it's to talk about your daughter or let me leave the annual average, I don't think we have anything to talk about."

"Then talk about your dad," Jiang Qifei said. "I think you are interested to know about Zeng Lijuan."

First more. Second morning

Feeling good writing these two days, depressed

(End of this chapter)

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