Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 593: Lolo is evil

Chapter 593: Luo Luo Is Evil

He finished his stride and turned away.

Lausanne opened his mouth wide and looked at the direction he was leaving. He really wanted to laugh and distressed.

He was reluctant to believe that he could find an excuse for this reason.

"You've all seen it, I broke up with him," Lausanne turned to look at the woman who came out from behind the flowers after seeing people go.

"He will come to you again. What I want to see is a complete break and make him hate you," Jiang Qifei smiled slightly.

"I hope I can do it by then. Don't regret not giving me anything," Lausanne stared coldly at the woman.

"You can rest assured that it is useless to hold this thing," Jiang Qifei said lightly.

Lausanne sneered, and threatened her now. After three months, she thought she could still be so arrogant.


Annual average Ting returned to Sheng Ting, quickly called Xiao wanton.

"Why, aren't you looking for Lausanne," Xiao yawned, it was getting more and more excessive, saying that he was ugly, and he wouldn't let him go to sleep even after a nap.

"Luo Luo is evil," Nian Junting walked back and forth in front of the window with long legs. "I don't know what magic trick Ji Shengxu has done to her. She even told me to stay with Chi Shengxu and break up with me. , And also said that he was with me just to save his father to use me. You said it was ridiculous. I have heard of such magic before, but it ’s all used by women.


Xiao was stunned.

"You don't think she can't dislike me, right? Do you have an uncle who doesn't do business in Thailand? Ask if there is a way to do it, maybe it's poison," Nian Junting put his hands on the table, watching With him, "it might be lowered or something like that."

"No, Sang Sang actually said such a thing," Xiao recalled, taking a breath.

"Yeah, this is not like she would say at all," the younger Jun Ting became more and more irritable, punching himself on the table.

"Damn Chi Shengxu, why do you use this method?"

He could hardly imagine what would happen if Lausanne did not love him.

It must be more painful than holding a knife on his chest.

Xiao wanton: "..."

When he looked at the horrified eyes deep in his brother's eyes, he couldn't help but think of his high-spirited look in front of himself a few days ago.

But who made you wonder all day.

Don't listen to the kind reminder, and say what you will know when he has the charm.

But how could Lausanne say such things.

It's too hurtful.

Did he and Jun Ting both look away?

"That ... In fact, it's just a rumor. It doesn't have to be that kind of thing. Maybe ... Lausanne is telling the truth," Xiao said with a slight cough, a little sympathy.

"What is it," Nian Junting's anger froze, and she panicked. "Does she know if she likes me or not?"

"That ... that might be threatened," Xiao said, quickly pacifying, afraid he would say it directly, and he would destroy himself.

"Yes, it must be like this," Nian Junting's eyes brightened, and the gloomy eyes gleamed again. "But who can threaten her? If there is, it must be the young king and eight lambs."

Xiao was speechless.

"Will you call your dad then?"

"He threatened my woman, and I said he was very polite," Tingjun Ting said in a frosty tone.

"Why are you suddenly so sure, do you have any evidence?" Xiao was curious.

Second more.

Third more tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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