Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 597: Before he knew it, he took out his heart

Chapter 597: Unconsciously, He Has Taken Out His Heart

What is the heart like a knife.

About what she feels like now.

I used to be with him every day, but I did n’t feel it. Really, when I separated, I realized that when he saw a little grievance and saw a little bit of injury in his eyes, she felt that she was killing her.

Acting is her best.

I didn't expect that it would be so difficult and painful to play.

Yan Su sighed and handed her a tissue. "It's so hurting to say those things. I think everyone who was injured in the year was stunned."

"It will be okay soon, until I get the evidence and wait for him to know the truth," Lausanne nodded with tears in his eyes, "I hope he won't come to me anymore, I don't want to hurt him anymore, but I'm afraid he will die."

"Well, you've loved so deeply before, it shouldn't be easy to die," Yan Su sighed and could understand her feelings.

If you die too easily, you can see that this man likes you so much.

If he doesn't die, hurting him is like hurting himself.

Outside the elevator, the average annual Ting Ting stared at the elevator number upwards.

He doesn't understand.

Really, he was so good, why did Lausanne say he was wonderful, that he was narcissistic, that he thought he was right.

These words, she never said before.

Is he so annoying?

Isn't he a good man?

Why did she say that changed?

She was annoyed that he should stop pestering her.

The more he recalled, the younger Jun Ting felt that she didn't say a word, and was pulling him with a whip.

Inadvertently, there was flesh.

The prawns and fish in his hand "snapped" to the ground.

He turned his head blankly and went out.

A big salamander came in and looked at something on the ground and said, "Young man, your shrimp and fish have fallen."

He ignored.

Get in the car and start it.

I didn't remember where to go until the phone rang, or Sister Lan called him, "Master, will you come back for dinner at night, will Sang Sang come?"

Sang Sang ...

Ning Junting murmured these words in his heart.

"Master ..."

"I won't come back, she won't come back, and she won't come again ..."

"Ah, what."

"No, I said she will never come again," Nian Junting shouted at the phone.

After yelling, he found that his eyes were red.

So astringent.

It wasn't before that we broke up, but that time we broke up with Lengshuang, never like we are now, at a loss, even dare not think about the days when she might be without her.

In this life, except for his parents' divorce and Leng Shuang being forced to break up, his life is smooth.

When they came together with Lausanne, they thought that the other party had a crush on him first, and then they got along with each other gradually and had a good feeling for her, so they naturally interacted.

I never thought of breaking up after dating, I just wanted to get married.

I don't know if it's a honey dip every day with her, but I just feel very happy. I often want to see her, but I miss you when I don't see it.

I knew I loved her, but I didn't think too much about how much I loved her.

Suddenly she said that she was in love with others and that she had never liked herself.

He felt like his heart was torn.

It turned out that he had cared so much about this woman.

It turned out that before he knew it, he took out his heart.

It turned out that she had become his indispensable oxygen.

He has no oxygen now and he finds it difficult to breathe.

It had been known that he had treated her a little better before.

Knowing that, he peeled shrimp and peeled fruit for her every day.

It had been known that he had not always quarreled with her about Chi Shengxu's affairs.


Updated today.

Actually, some people find it abusive, I don't think so. Every year has been too narcissistic, always thought he was chased by Lausanne, now is the time to make him really aware.

(End of this chapter)

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