Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 617: You have a kid?

Chapter 617 Do You Have A Child?

Lausanne was stunned.

The mother and daughter demanded a bit more.

Nian Xi explained, "Tell me, a younger sister, I will marry someone later. I ’m not married well. How good can my husband be to me, but only because my brother hurts. My mother, too, divorced my father. It depends on my son's pain. My brother is just like ice. It's boring. "

"How are you and Ji Chuan," Lausanne couldn't help asking about her boyfriend.

Nian Xi Qiao's face froze. "He broke up early. He went to the army. Listen to my dad saying that he will be transferred back this summer. But I am also desperate. He hasn't contacted me for so long. I ca n’t let it go. It ’s not like this. Men ’s feelings are sometimes too worthless. They speak nicely and act ... You know, do n’t believe what men say is good, it depends on actual actions. ”

Lausanne sighed, she understood, Nian Xi said to let go, but if she really let go, she wouldn't mind these.

"Don't think about it slowly, find it slowly," Lausanne comforted.

"Also, let's find it together," Nian Xi laughed. "Although you broke up with my brother, it doesn't affect our friendship, right?"

"Yes," Lausanne nodded with a smile.

This is very good. Originally, she thought that Nian Xi would hate her from then on. She actually liked Nian Xi very much and didn't want to lose this friend.


Sheng Ting Group.

Recently, Xiao Xiao, who is buried in the office every day, feels very dissatisfied. Just a few days ago, Jun Ting fell in love with him and ran downstairs to Lausanne and went to school every day. He was very upset when he sent off.

The head of the file was really big, and he got up and took the elevator into the president's office.

Without knocking on the door, he pushed in and went in.

I saw Nian Junting sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a book in his hands with a relaxed posture.

Seeing him come in, dissatisfied, "You're not working downstairs and doing a good job. What are you going to do?"

"You're embarrassed to ask me that you are about to host a financial forum conference, and you don't even care about it. Throw it all to me. After all, I'm not a professional financial graduate," Xiao shoved his hair hard. I have lost a lot of hair, and if I go on like this, I will be bald. "

"You don't know if you can ask the people below," Ning Junting answered as he read.

"Yeah, when I come to the stage to read the company's other people's speeches, spread it out, sorry, I will not go on behalf of the company at this forum, you go," Xiao said for a long time and saw that he ignored him completely and left In the past, he took the book in his hand and was almost scared when he saw his eyes. "Mengbao Feeding Manual, do you have a child?"

"Come on," Nian Junting took back his book, his mouth slightly hooked.

Xiao Qian came forward and touched his forehead. "Did you have a fever, you broke up with Lausanne, and there will be children soon."

"Can you have no children after breaking up?"

"Lausanne was pregnant before breaking up with you?"

"Don't worry, I'm going to be a dad anyway, this thing is not allowed to spread," Nian Junting raised his chin. "Just for this year, you are ready for the red envelope."

Xiao was stunned.

It feels that the world is changing too fast and can no longer keep up.

"Okay, leave the forum alone, I'll go by myself," Nian Junting said faintly again.

"You don't even need to write a speech?"

Nian Junting gave him a scornful glance. "I go to the stage every year. When will I have a speech, no matter how successful people stand on the stage, they will be convinced by the smallpox."

Five more today. . Yesterday's addition was too fierce, and I found that after each addition, the quality could not be guaranteed, and I was depressed

(End of this chapter)

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