Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 623: Can Yan Su's so docile personality be affordable?

Chapter 623: Can Yan Su's docile personality be affordable?

Lausanne smiled slightly, "It can only be said that you are not flattering or the voice-over technology is really not mine. You have been dubbing Ji Nuanyi in the past two years, but as soon as I came up, she signed me Royal voiceover, you should review it. "

This week, she could compete with her in the voice-over circle three years ago.

It was only that she came later, and Zhou Wan was not very convinced, but at that time the relationship with her was quite good.

After she left the voice-over circle, she stood up on the evening of the week.

Just after meeting Ji Nuanyi in Shanghai last time, she snatched away Ji Nuanyi's resources again. Zhou Wanke now probably hates her own itching.

I didn't expect to work with her this time, and Lausanne felt a headache.

"I review?" Zhou Wan sneered, "Don't you just rely on your dad before, and now you rely on a man? It's so important that you want to become like this."

Lausanne heard the volume suddenly raised and said, "I forgot, you were good friends with Zhongyi before."

The others in the conference room suddenly looked at the two of them. Mr. Qian, the manager of Yufan's planning, frowned and said, "Miss Zhou, do you know Zhongyi? Zhongyi is a neurosis."

"No, I'm not familiar with her," Zhou Wanke said embarrassingly. "I've been in an industry a few times before, and I'm not as familiar with Lausanne as he is."

"It's very familiar to take my fiance away," Lausanne smiled.

The people in the voice-over circle actually know that these two people have grievances because of Ji Nuanyi. The soup with the male No. 2 changed the topic. Is the male number one dubbing, after all, he is not even an actor ... "

"Although I am not an actor, I will do my best to dub."

Outside, there was a lazy and **** voice.

Lausanne turned his head and saw only a slender young figure coming in. The light-lined short hair was lined with a fair complexion, and the dark and black eyebrows showed a bad taste, a thin Lips are seductive and sexy.

The presence of him suddenly squeezed the men in the conference room down.

Lausanne hadn't seen it on mobile phones and TV before, but at that time, she thought it was all filters, but when she stood in front of her vividly, she felt that this man didn't need filters. He was born to be Standing in the spotlight.

No wonder Yan Su will always be in love.

He does have this capital.

It's just that this man has a wild taste, and it seems that women are hard to tame.

Can a meek character like Yan Su be affordable?

Lausanne was seriously skeptical.

"Shi Xu, you are here." Manager Qian stood up and shook hands with him personally. "They don't understand anything. Don't take their words for granted. Voice over by you is what your fans are most looking forward to."

"Manager Qian, don't say that," Shi Xu smiled. "On dubbing, they're professional, but I can learn, and I'd like to ask everyone for advice."

"It's our pleasure to work with Shi Xu," Zhou Wanke quickly stood up with a look of idiot, "Shi Xu, I like to listen to your songs, like you for a long time, can you sign for me? "

"Of course no problem," Shi Xu glanced at the conference room with a smile, and finally stopped at the position beside Lausanne.

He stepped forward, and the assistant hurriedly opened a chair for him.

He sat down and hooked his lips towards Lausanne. "You're the voiced female number one, hello."

"Hello," Lausanne nodded, wondering if he knew he was Yan Su's good friend.

Sixth more, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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