Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 667: Mr. Nian, did you read it wrong?

Chapter 667 Are You Wrong, Mr. Nian?

Lausanne felt relieved when he saw that.

If the average person behind Jiang Qifei can deal with it, she will not worry much.

"Actually, I also wanted to stop telling you these two days. When I talked with Jiang Qifei on the phone last time, I felt that if you weren't with Leng Shuang, she might not give me the evidence. "

"You should have thought about this problem long ago," Nian Junting snorted. "You also believe the words of a villain. I don't know if I should call you naive or innocent."

Lausanne was ashamed and ashamed, and said angrily: "You're embarrassed to say that if it wasn't for your dad's good deeds, could I be taken by her."

Junting Ting held his chest, "My dad is not enough to fail, and the woman is simple and innocent. The people around me really broke my heart."

Lausanne: "..."

She still shut up silently.

After arriving at the hospital, Junting Tsin looked for an acquaintance and went directly to the ultrasound room.

Lausanne lay on the crib, and the doctor put a probe on her stomach.

Nian Junting stood aside, staring at the computer screen with a burning gaze, "Doctor, is my wife pregnant?"

"Hmm ..." The doctor looked for a long time before nodding. "Yes, it's already in the womb."

This time, it was confirmed by Doctor B ultrasound, and the annual average Ting was excited again, saying, "I also saw that the little princess is developing well."

The doctor twitched at the corner of her mouth, but because this was the person who was personally appointed by the director of the hospital, she had to bite the bullet and asked, "Mr. Nian, have you read wrong?"

"Why am I mistaken? It's just a black ball, isn't it my daughter," Ni Junting pointed at the screen.

"That's not, that's just a shadow," the doctor said, "Now the child has a small germ, which is generally not seen by non-professionals. Even after seven or eight months, sometimes family members cannot distinguish between eyes and nose No, it's not necessarily a daughter, you can't see it now. "

If everyone can understand the B-ultrasound, then why do they need them?

Lausanne lay down in his bed and wanted to see it, but he couldn't see it, so he gave up and said, "Doctor, stop talking about him, he insists on wanting a girl."

"Yes," the doctor laughed. "Then your husband is fine. Many men now want boys to pass on the line. I have seen a lot of them. Some dads know that the girl in their stomach is a girl, and they want to kill it. Sinned. "

Lausanne heard the word "husband" slightly warm on the cheek.

However, I am sorry to say that Junting Ting is not his husband, it is embarrassing to be pregnant before marriage.

On the other hand, Junting Ting listened to the cold and handsome face and said, "Every little girl is an angel baby. Why should you kill them? Such people should be taken to jail."

The doctor laughed. "You can't say that a little girl is an angel baby, so is a baby boy."

"The boy is a demon," Jun Ting relentlessly said.

The doctor heard a strange look at Lausanne.

I hope she is a girl, it seems his husband is very prejudiced against the boy.

"By the way, doctor, my wife should pay attention to something," Ning Junting whispered, and Lausanne had been completely classified as his wife.

"Um ... let's be confident in the obstetrician and gynaecologist," said the doctor in an embarrassment. "They are more professional, and you should have blood and blood tests later."

Fifth more

Tomorrow continues. Happy weekend

(End of this chapter)

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