Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 701: It looks like my mother ’s status is quite ordinary.

Chapter 701: Mother seems to be quite unusual

Lausanne turned back suddenly, and was slightly agitated. She had never thought Zeng Huai would say this.

"In fact, several years ago, when you were in association with President Yi, your mother sent you something. She wanted to ask if she could recognize you. President Yi seemed to have stopped everything and had returned to your mother. Letter, tell her not to disturb your life, you will never forgive her or anything like that, "Zeng Huai whispered shyly.

Lausanne stared at him stupidly.

The eyes suddenly turned red.

It turned out that her mother didn't turn a blind eye to herself, and it turned out that her didn't die.

It turned out that Yi Jingxi did more than that.

"Why would he do this, wouldn't he be willing to be alone if I was alone," Lausanne shuddered.

How can there be such a person in this world.

Or someone she once loved.

this is too scary.

"Because ... your mother seems to be quite unusual," Zeng Huai said. "Those things have only been seen by Yi Jingxi. I don't know, even the address is not clear. I only said that he had been drinking too much After this incident, you don't need to check the source of the e-mail, he later found someone to erase it. "

Lausanne's rising hopes suddenly burst again.

She thought that she could finally get back her family, but she did not expect Yi Jingxi to obliterate again.

Her hatred of this person has reached a level never seen before.

"Does he think that if I return to my mother, he will not be able to bully me and control me?" Lausanne asked rhetorically.

Zeng Huai was silent.

Lausanne nodded. "Thank you for telling me this, or I might never know the truth."

After leaving with Zeng Huai, Lausanne returned to the room like a sleepwalk.

Lu Kang followed her carefully, lest he fall.

I just watched her look like a loss.

Lu Kang was about to collapse. He was scolded last night and deducted his salary for half a month. In the morning, Lausanne was in a bad mood, and his remaining money should not be fully deducted.


half past twelve.

The tightly-closed conference room door opened, and the average annual Ting came out from the inside with anger, Yi Jingxi followed with a gloomy look, watching the annual average Ting surrounded by shareholders and stars.

Think back to last year, this group of people still surround themselves like this.

A group of guys who see the wind.

This villa obviously consumed a lot of his thoughts, but was eventually taken away by the average young man who came in midway, which made him reconciled.

"Nian Zong, no, it's time to call Chairman Nian. Let's have a meal together," Fang Dong haha ​​asked with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be late," this group of people just cooperated just now.

"How about fishing again in the afternoon?" Lu suggested.

"No," Jun Ting shook his head. "I want to walk around the villa in the afternoon and return to Xiacheng tomorrow. My girlfriend will have to study, but I will definitely invite everyone when I get married in the second half of the year."

"That year, I've had a lot of gains this year," everyone laughed.

"Thank you all for your trust in me," Nian Junting looked a little apologetically at Yi Jingxi, "General Manager Yi, sorry, I have done your position for the time being, I think you are so busy. Do n’t worry about what ’s happening. Also, I ’ve heard that Yi ’s situation is n’t very good now. It does n’t matter if you do n’t turn around and sell me the shares here. Of course, if you do n’t want to sell the villa shares, Yi's is also good, and I'm willing to buy Yi's, after all, that is my girlfriend's company, just when we get married to be a wedding proposal. "

Tomorrow continues. .

(End of this chapter)

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