Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 829: Nian Xi glanced, and his heart beat hard.

Chapter 829 Nian Xi glanced, his heart missed a beat

"Then why Mr. Jiang didn't come out."

Fang Qi froze with embarrassment. "Mr. Jiang is so cute, simple, and good-looking. You have to be in conflict with others. You are too hard-hearted. If you replace me, you ca n’t wait to hold him in your hands. I'm talking about being a brother, don't get me wrong. "

Nian Xi was speechless.

Even a boy, surely not an old man who pretends to be tender.

Zhan Hong nodded, "Don't hurt Mr. Jiang."

Nian Xi: "... You guys just had a meal with him in the morning, is it so protected?"

Fang Qi frowned. "I don't know. Anyway, when he sees that his heart is soft and confused, if he really encounters danger during his trip to Paris, I will protect him from injury if I fight this old life."

"Well," Zhan Hong agreed, "It's so cute."

Nian Xi saw Zhanhong's five big and three thick bodies, and 10,000 grass and mud horses passed by in his heart.

But that guy is very cute.

Nian Xi looked at Huo Lizhi, who had been silent.

He took a bite of rice, looked up, and said coldly, "You can keep your distance from him. You don't deserve him."

Nian Xi: "..."

Nian Xi's appetite was gone, and she ate two casually. She was annoyed. She always felt that she had done an unforgettable event, especially when she thought that Jiang Yining hadn't come out at noon. It was so boring.

Can't sleep at night, she called Lausanne, "You said I was too much."

"Excessive, quite excessive," Lausanne said very disapprovingly. "How can you say such hurtful words, and it is so important to talk about other people's opinions, or ... are you afraid of being passed into Feng Jichuan's ears, and you still want to complex."

"I don't," Nian Xi was shocked. "Because ... I didn't want to develop a relationship with Jiang Mining. I was afraid my colleagues would misunderstand me, thinking that I was a casual person, and it was hard to find a boyfriend. "

"Afraid of anything, anyway, you are single now, why do you have to think so much about being single, shouldn't single be in love with whomever you are in contact with, and ambiguous with whom you want to be ambiguous, since you and my brother, the opposite **** All is gone, so now you have to take advantage of ... "

The rise of what Lausanne is talking about, followed by the voice of the average team in the cold, "I hear you mean it's a pity that you haven't played enough ambiguous enough to be with me yet.

"No ... ah ... you lightly, I have a baby."

Before Nian Xi had hung up the phone, he heard the sound of Lausanne humming.

She had a flushed face.

I ca n’t stand these two guys anyway and hung up the phone.

She pressed the hang-up button and reflected on what Lausanne had said.

Yeah, single, why care about other people ’s eyes, ca n’t you even have friends of the opposite sex?


The plane flew to Paris at more than 11:00 the next morning.

Everyone made an appointment to leave at half past seven. Nian Xi was late, and hurriedly pushed his luggage out.

In the living room, everyone was almost ready. Jiang Yongning was wearing a black cropped trousers and a white shirt, and black studded leather shoes underneath, revealing a clean white ankle, and standing straight.

Nian Xi glanced, and his heart beat hard.

He used to wear a casual and sporty style every time he saw Jiang Yongning. Today, wearing such a formal dress, her temperament changed so that her eyes were almost blinded.

Second more. . Twelve o'clock third

(End of this chapter)

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