Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 838: Your legs are whiter than yours

Chapter 838: Your Legs Are Whiter Than You

"... I don't know," Jiang Yanning blinked.

Nian Xi followed his gaze and reacted, and "蹭" took his leg back into the quilt.

She stared hard at Jiang Yongning, "You peeped at me again."

"... I'm sorry," Jiang Yanning bowed his head honestly, "I see your legs are whiter than you."

Nian Xi: "..."

Feeling entangled early in the morning.

She knew that her face was not white, do you have an opinion, do you have to stimulate yourself? Now Jiang Yongning has come to ridicule herself.

"Yes, when some of the policemen were not tanned in the summer, my legs were white without wearing trousers," Nian Xi was depressed. "Are you a big man always staring at women's legs, are you sorry?"

Jiang Yanning thought for a while, raised his trouser legs without saying a word, and then stared at Nian Xi.

Nian Xi blinked.

He was afraid she didn't understand, adding, "You see me."

Nian Xi looked at his two legs that were not too lenient to himself. He was tired but unwilling. "What's so beautiful, there are so many leg hairs, it's uncomfortable to look at it more."

Nian Xi snorted and stared at him, "Turn me around, I'm going to wear underwear."

After all, Jiang Yanning knew that there was absolutely something he couldn't see. He bowed his head and went out.

Nian Xi changed his clothes and washed downstairs. Zhan Hong and others also got up.

The restaurant people brought breakfast.

After breakfast, Jiang Yanning handed them a few men a note, which read: Trouble rolling up your pants legs.

Zhan Hong, they thought he was going to do research, and immediately set off.

Jiang Mining smiled at a glance, and then pulled Nian Xi over to see. After seeing Nian Xi frown, he handed over a post-it note: their legs have more hair than me, so you shouldn't say mine is not good looking.


Nian Xi's mouth twitched, she was completely speechless and didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter," Zhan Hong came to look at the above words, and then the whole person was not good, "Mr. Jiang, you're a bit unkind."

Jiang Yanning ticked his lips and wrote him Zhang, "Blame yourself for having too much hair on your legs."

Zhan Hong: "..."

What's going on with this simple belly-black skill.


The International Physics Conference will not be held until Thursday.

On my first day in Paris, researchers from the Institute of Physics here invited physicists from all over the world to visit the Paris Science and Technology Exhibition.

On the way, I was in a motor home. Uncle Han said: "The small things in this Paris technology exhibition are the latest technology designed by some young people in Europe. They have not yet appeared on the market. At this time, it is nothing more than to show off their advanced technology. "

"What's the big deal, I believe that Mr. Jiang crushed them every minute," Fang Qi looked at Jiang Yongning in disapproval, "Mr. Jiang, are you right?"

Jiang Yanning didn't speak, but stared out the window.

"Mr. Jiang, have you heard me," Fang Qi reminded again and again with a smile.

Jiang Yanning also looks like a soul in space.

Nian Xi had to wake him up and repeat it again.

"Oh, I don't know, there are people outside, there is a sky outside," Jiang Yanning said casually.

"You can't do this," Nian Xi said excitedly, "we want to let their people see the power of our Chinese scientists."

"Well, we are low-key," Jiang Mining nodded.

Sixth more. Fortunately, it was over before twelve. The morning didn't change. More in the morning. Before eleven

(End of this chapter)

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