Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 918: Do you know Shixu?

Chapter 918 Do You Know Shixu?

"It so happens that I have time on Friday morning."

But is it just an observation class?

"I'm going to buy the ingredients," Moluci added at the end.

"It's not good," Yan Su said, a little embarrassed. "I'll treat you."

"You can give me money later."

Yan Su: "..."

Well, she was touched a little by now, this must be an illusion.

After seeing her look slightly stiff, Molucy thought, and said, "You don't have to give it, just a little money."

"No no no, this is not small money, have you said that you will not waste money on other women except for your girlfriend and family, I know," Yan Su said quickly.

Besides, you said that before, could she be sorry not to give it.

Molucy frowned. Although it is such a truth, but ...

At this time, Li Ming suddenly called him.

"You answer the phone, I leave first," Yan Su made a gesture to leave.

Moriusi nodded and pressed the answer button: "If you want to tell me things that are real-time, then we have nothing to say, I still have this attitude and will not change."

Yan Su, who had just reached the door, had her legs froze and her heart seemed to be pinched.

Although they have broken up, they still have no idea about this person's name, so they cannot easily let go.

She turned over and watched Molucy calling.

Li Ming said on the phone: "Don't think too much, he's staying in the crew for more than ten days at most, the backstage is hard, there's no way, in short, don't make the outsiders know that you are not in harmony with the fans. It ’s crazy, you have n’t become popular in the mainland, do n’t make yourself a mess. ”

"In short, don't let me film his show, it's so bad, I'm afraid I can't help but want to scold him," Moluci said, hung up the phone, and turned around, and found that Yan Su was still standing there, saying He just stared at him again.

"Don't you just say you're leaving?" Moluci thought she had gone.

"I ... I just heard you talking about Shixue's name," Yan Su flashed an incredible thought in her heart. "Should Shixue also participate in this new film?"

Molucy said "um".

Yan Su stayed for a few seconds. "I haven't heard that Shi Xu would participate, and I didn't see him when I went to the audition today."

If she knew he would be there, she would definitely give up participating in the new play.

She didn't want to have contact with Shixu at work, she couldn't be calm.

Seeing that person was like peeling away the wound in his heart.

Moriusi snorted. "If I knew he was coming, I wouldn't pick up the show at all. The original male No. 3 had decided to be Pan Qingfeng, but the inexplicable investor designated him to be asked. I don't know any singer. The backstage is so hard, I'm afraid of hearing what the producers mean. "

Yan Su's heart was astringent.

It seems that what she heard on TV was true. What is the background of Shi Xu's family? She knows better than anyone. An ordinary office worker is packed in an old house of more than 60 square meters.

Except for the fact that I missed the young lady, how could it be so powerful.

"What's wrong with you?" Molucy saw her face suddenly absent-minded, and frowned keenly. "Do you know Shixue?"

"No," Yan Su quickly shook her head. "I just think he has a good name. Are they all singers?"

"Is the singer so deserved," Moriusi said coldly, "at least you must."

Second more. . Third change later

(End of this chapter)

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