Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 942: Xu Luosang, you lied to me

Chapter 942 Xu Lausang, You Lied Me

After lunch, Molucy paid for the order and the three walked back.

As soon as I walked to the school gate, I saw Junting Ting standing in the shade of a tree, wearing a khaki suit, tailoring and neatly tailoring, but he looked cold and arrogant.

Lausanne saw the figure froze, and there was a feeling that his parents failed to pass the exam when he was young.

Yan Su was also nervous. "What to do, would your husband think I would teach you."

Lausanne's scalp was numb, his eyes turned, and he looked at Molucy, "Luxey, when your brother-in-law asked later, can you say that you forced me to eat grilled fish, anyway, you have nothing at all Not afraid of him. "

Molucy: "..."

He found his sister shameless after he got married.

Lausanne continued to advise, "Your hot pot can save the happiness of a family."

"Okay," Molucy rubbed his eyebrows, just as Ning Junting saw them and came over with a cloud-covered face.

"My husband, why are you here," Lausanne smiled.

"A surprise check," Ning Junting sneered, "Don't you say that you can eat in the cafeteria? I didn't see any of you in the cafeteria at 12:30."

Lausanne was ashamed, and after watching the time, it was almost two o'clock, "So you have been waiting here, you can call me."

"I prefer to catch someone right," Nian Junting suddenly reached out and pulled her to her side, and smelled it on her lips. "Spicy, Xu Luosang, you lied to me, you have a mouth full Liar swindler. "

Lausanne was ashamed, and the tone made him seem to hurt him deeply.

"I asked her to eat," Morius said lazily. "Our two sisters haven't seen each other for more than a week. I want to eat grilled fish and take her there. She's not good enough to refuse."

"Yes," Lausanne replied immediately. "I didn't want to go. I persuaded him to say that the food outside was not clean. The food in the cafeteria had come to his mouth, but he had to be pulled out."

Molucy: "..."

He found his sister really more hypocritical.

"Do you think I can believe it?" Nian Junting pulled his lips expressionlessly. "Come back with me, don't go to the afternoon class."

"No, I'm here, I'm sure to leave after class," Lausanne shook his head.

Moluci also said: "It's just a meal of grilled fish. So many pregnant women have eaten that way. Don't be too nervous and don't eat it every day."

"I'm good for her and I'm so well-maintained. If I live to be 100 years old, she can only reach 70 or 80 years old. How can I spend the rest of my life?" He said, "You unmarried people don't understand."

As soon as Moliusi was surprised, Lausanne was a little touched. "My husband, you are worried about this, rest assured, I will take good care of my body, but I have to finish the course today. This is a senior, no After a few lessons, the bigger the stomach, the less likely it will be. "

"No," Jun Ting said. "These courses are simply unavailable to you, so why waste this time."

"I won't go," Lausanne shook his head.

With an average cold face every year, the two were in a deadlock.

At this moment, Lausanne said to Yan Su: "You go first."

Molucy frowned, Yan Su pulled him, "Let's go, the couple's affairs will be resolved by themselves."

Molucy looked at the arm on his arm, raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately followed her.

Lausanne: This younger brother also picked it up.

Fifth more at night.

(End of this chapter)

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