Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 945: Be disciplined, believe it or not, tell your sister

Chapter 945 Do you behave, believe it or not, I tell your sister

Immediately after class, Molucy received a WeChat from Lausanne: I had an argument with your brother-in-law, staying with you for a while, and the mother was too close, and the mother was thinking about the average age and living with Su Su, Susu was afraid of him again.

Molucy frowned subconsciously. If Lausanne stayed, wouldn't it bother her?

But after thinking about it, Lausanne came over, maybe it would give him more chance to contact Yan Su, and she just avoided herself recently.

So immediately reply: ah.

Lausanne: If your brother-in-law comes to you, you have no fear, you must stand by my side.

Moliuxi: Don't worry, you are my elder sister. He is your brother-in-law who gives you free of charge. I know this very well.

Lausanne: ....

Molucy: What do you want to eat at night, I make it.

Lausanne was moved and felt extremely warm. At first he thought he would live with his brother. It might be inconvenient for him to see how warm and understanding he was.

Lausanne: Just do what you are good at. I'm OK.

Molucy: I'll give you the keys later. You and Yan Su go home first. I'll go to the vegetable market.

Lausanne: Okay, buy more food. I'll call Shang Susu for dinner.

Molucy laughed, and that was what he wanted.


After class, Lausanne and Yan Su stayed in the library for a while before being pulled back to the apartment by Lausanne. She wanted to avoid leaving with Lausanne, so as not to meet Molucy again, but Lausanne was pregnant with pregnancy and was not very relieved.

Fortunately, after returning, Molucy had not yet returned, and Lausanne was preparing to cook rice first.

A pregnant woman almost eight months old, Yan Suna could let her go to rice, and immediately helped cook the rice.

More than six o'clock, Molucy returned with several bags of vegetables.

Lausanne ran over and was pleasantly surprised. Not only did Pippi shrimp but also sea cucumber and fish, as well as yogurt, ice cream and fruit.

"Go watch the TV and leave it to me in the kitchen," Moluci rolled up his sleeves, took off his watch, put on an apron, and said to Yan Su, "Please help me wash the fruits."

"Okay," Yan Su nodded. If she didn't wash, Sang Sang would definitely come, so she couldn't refuse.

"Thank you both, it's good to be a pregnant woman," Lausanne smiled and ate yogurt on the sofa.

In the open kitchen, although the space is wide, there is only one faucet, and they will inevitably run into each other when washing.

When Yan Su was washing strawberries under water, Mo Liuxi took the sea cucumber to clean it, and put her tail finger on her finger intentionally.

Yan Su blushed, glanced subconsciously at Lausanne in the living room, and saw her looking down at her mobile phone. She didn't look here, but she was too far apart to see it.

She had to give Mo Liuxi an annoyed glance, and whispered, "Be disciplined, believe it or not, I tell your sister."

"Okay," Molucy nodded immediately, and lowered his head and smiled. "I just told her that I like you."

Yan Su stopped talking.

"If you become my girlfriend in the future, I will buy you delicious food every day and cook it. You only need to make me seafood porridge," Moluci noticed her pink and pink ears, I touched it a few days ago, soft, now I really want to kiss.

He found that his thoughts were getting stronger now.

I can't wait to get her to bed right away and take good care of it.

Yan Su was afraid of staying too much, he washed the fruit in a panic, but there was still a cantaloupe to cut, and Moluci immediately took her fruit knife and said, "I'll cut it. I'll be distressed when you get it. "

First more. . Something happened this morning. . Sorry, then write the second

(End of this chapter)

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