Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 948: Your sister-in-law ran away from home, and you called her back

Chapter 948 Your sister-in-law has run away from home, you call her back

Sister Lan said: "You can rest assured, don't look at Lucy's young age, but know a lot, especially about eating. Last time I came to eat with us, she also told me what pregnant women can eat and which can't. Ouch , Don't mention much ... "

Sister Lan hasn't finished talking yet, and the average annual Ting is comparable to the laser's sight.

She quickly switched the topic, "Don't worry about it, really, it's only 20 after all, right, I'll call Sang Sang."

She opened the amplifier, and the voice of Lausanne rang as soon as the phone was connected. "Sister Lan, I know that your master must be sitting by the side now. I tell you, it's useless. I'm really fed up this time. Now I live well with my brother, tell him not to disturb me. "

Junting snatched his phone, "Xu Luosang, don't go too far. I'm not good for you. I'm afraid you'll go out and have trouble. You're worried that you eat too much unhealthy things and are bad for your health. You will be at 12 o'clock tonight Come back to me. I will not care about you today when you carry me out for dinner. "

"Are you in a commanding tone," Lausanne sneered, "You are very arrogant now after marriage, and I said, think for yourself, whether it's your wife or your wife."

She just hung up the phone after she said it.

The average young man broke his cell phone every year. Sister Lan quickly stopped his hand. "Master, this is my cell phone."

Jun Ting threw her cellphone anxiously.

After going back and forth a few times, I called Nian Xi again: "Your sister-in-law has run away from home, you call me back."

Nian Xi was stunned, and gloated: "Is Sang Sang finally unable to stand you, she finally wants to understand."


Nian Junting rubbed his eyebrows, "Nian Xi, have you been too idle lately? Let me arrange some blind dates for you."

Nian Xi coughed softly. "Yeah, how can Sang Sang leave the house? Can the two husbands calm down and talk about something big?"

"I'm used to her too often," said the average young Ting irritably.

Nian Xi suddenly broke her conscience and could n’t say any more. "Brother, let me be honest, Sang Sang has her own way of life. You have to correct her life like you do. She ca n’t stand it. It ’s normal. In the case of the war movie, people don't like to watch it. You have to force others to watch ... "

"Yes, why do I think she likes it," Nian Junting dismissed, "you didn't live with me, you don't understand."

Nian Xi: "..."

This kind of person really deserves a fight with his wife.

"Okay, you don't understand. Sang Sang talked to me in private, because you like to watch, so you think she likes to watch, or ask yourself, how long have you not carefully observed her thoughts."

Nian Xi snorted softly. "There are a few young girls who like to watch anti-Japanese movies, and everyone likes to watch romantic love movies. It is Sang Sang's good temper. If I were, I couldn't stand you in minutes."

"Nian Xi, don't go too far, I asked you to persuade her, not to tell you about me," Nian Junting was annoyed.

Nian Xi sighed, "Brother, I'll tell you this just because of you. For a long time, I think you're too arbitrary, and then you will get better with Sang Sang, but after you get married, It ’s like this again. She is the one who controls her. She is a person, not a robot. Besides, she is a pregnant woman. It is easier to think wildly. Now it ’s a little bit of trouble, and for a long time, your marriage will go wrong. You Do you want a divorce? "

Fifth more at night. . Do you want us

(End of this chapter)

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