Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 958: You take care of Yan Su

Chapter 958: You Take Care Of That Yan Su

The host laughed, "The girls here are still given a chance."

Next, I made several games, and almost everyone participated, but this situation no longer embarrassed Yan Su.

After the press conference, some artists were interviewed by reporters upstairs.

The artist to be interviewed went upstairs together, Yan Su walked slowly and fell behind, but when they got to the elevator, Shi Xu and Cheng Sheng and others entered, there were a lot of people inside, but stood at the door of Shi Xu Still waved at her, "Hurry up."

"I'll wait for the next trip," Yan Su waved, "Don't squeeze you."

"It doesn't matter," Shi Xuwen said softly.

He already said that, and there were many seniors in it, Yan Su had to bite the bullet and squeeze in.

Shi Xu pressed the close button, and a blue-gray figure suddenly flashed outside, "Wait a minute."

The moment the elevator was closed, Molucy rushed into the elevator and squeezed into Yan Su at the station door.

Yan Su just faced outside, and when he came in, he squeezed into her chest.

This kind of thing was not once, she immediately became embarrassed and unnatural, lest Molucy be the same again.

Just then, Shi Xu walked inside and said, "Come here."

Yan Su quickly moved to the point.

Moliuxie glanced at her, and found that the other person was looking down at Yan Su, not knowing whether she was looking at her face or the collarbone. In short, Yan Su wore a faint appearance, especially for tall men. She can easily see her gully.

His eyes narrowed, and he squeezed hard, blocking between Shixu and Yansu, and said to Ji Nuyi inside, "Sister Nuan Yi, when will the interview end?"

"It only takes about half an hour," Ji Nuan wondered, "is there something wrong?"

"Well, I want to talk to you about the role," Molucy said lightly.

"Do I need to go," Cheng Sheng said quickly, after all, he is the number one man, and he always takes the role of thinking seriously.

"No," Molucy answered resolutely. After a few seconds, he probably felt Cheng Sheng's embarrassment, and added, "I only like to communicate with beautiful women."

Everyone heard him joking, and everyone in the elevator laughed.

Yan Su glanced at him strangely, rarely seeing how he spoke, which would give a better estimate of the feelings of others. It seems that he still pays more attention to Cheng Sheng's feelings, but also, Cheng Sheng is a film emperor and has nothing to say about his character and acting skills.

As soon as the elevator arrived, everyone came out and everyone found their room and went in.

The reporter has not yet come, Yan Su just happened to have a severe heel pain, and quickly took off her high heels. Here, the makeup artist made up her makeup. The reporter will come over to interview soon, and she must make up her exquisite makeup.

Jiaojiao said regretfully: "When you were on the stage just now, you shouldn't refuse the opportunity for Shi Xu to press the balloon together. This is your chance to make headlines. You also need exposure."

"I'm worried that Shixu's female fan will say me," Yan Su said, narrowing her eyes.

"Neither," Jiao Jiao said nothing.


In another lounge, Da Wei stared at Shi Xu, "You take care of Yan Su."

Shi Xu bowed his head on his cell phone and replied casually, "Then, do you have to wonder which woman I'm with?"

Da Wei frowned. "No, I think it's a little different this time. You're a little special to her. I think everyone can see it."

Fourth more later

(End of this chapter)

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