Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 961: I thought you would never know

Chapter 961 I thought you would never know

Shi Xu's temple jumped suddenly.

Yan Su ’s throat is also blocked, “Shi Xu, if you tell me frankly, maybe I will look at you, I ’m not stupid, I ’ve been dating for so long, be careful to the extreme, which star is so careful as you, now Also, why haven't you seen you like this, because you are next to a young lady, the people around you are watching you, right? "

"Stop talking," Shi Xu interrupted her suddenly, her face pale and tired.

Yan Su stared at him so quietly.

Shi Xu shook his fist, as if he had lowered his head after countless struggles, like a child who did something wrong, "Sorry, Susu, I thought you would never know."

Yan Su's eyes suddenly turned red.

She turned around, holding her arms, and felt extremely cold even in the heated room. "Does fame really matter to you, not even your own bottom line?"

Shi Xu looked at her back with great pain. "I don't want to be like this, but I want to be with you, Susu, your family is in such good condition. At the beginning, I wanted to be with you and was rejected by your parents. Your father He also approached me personally and said that our house was in poor condition and that the door was not proper. He would not accept me. He also said that he was the one who looked down on me for music and made no progress. Let me leave you earlier. Do n’t delay your future

But you followed me and left so desperately, and you were upset with your parents. I am very guilty. I vowed to break out of the realm and take you back. I want to tell your parents upright and honest. Deserve you, I have the ability. "

Yan Su stumbled, "My dad looked for you?"

Shi Xu nodded, "After the college entrance examination, your dad came to me, and the results came out. I took the duplicate, but your dad said what about the duplicate. Your parents are artists and your parents are artists. My parents are just doing small business outside,

The money you earn for a year is not as much as your parents make for a day. He let me know what the disparity between the rich and the poor is. So, I can only be worthy of you if you are red, so that your family can agree with us. "

Yan Su was dumb, she really didn't know these things at all.

Shi Xu has his own arrogance. She knows it, and can imagine how hard his father's words would hit him.

Shi Xu then whispered: "I went to Korea, no background and no status, no matter how hard I tried, even if I practiced dancing to dislocation of bones, I got a ligament strain, I got a bad throat, I worked harder and more than ten times than others , People do n’t even look at me. Every time you call me, I always say that I ’m doing well. I ’m praised and favored by the company. They are all deceptive. I even save money sometimes. I have only eaten one meal in three days, no money, Susu ... "

Yan Su cried and her dark eyelashes were wet with tears.

Of course she remembered something, and she was very relieved at that time.

Shi Xu's voice was also dull, with a choke. "Until later, the young lady of our company looked at me, and she told me, either let me leave happily or stay with her. You are full of me in China. Expect, you are working hard, how can I come back, so ... "

"So you fell asleep," Yan Su took his words sadly and sadly.

"But I never thought to her that they can't affect me now," Shi Xu put his hands on her shoulders. "Susu, please forgive me, it's not easy for us to go today."

First more. . . Second in the afternoon. . Things must be made clear. .

(End of this chapter)

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