Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 971: Have you tried this ex-boyfriend?

Chapter 971 Have you tried this ex-boyfriend?

After being stared at him for a few seconds, Yan Su felt that when he was looking for an excuse to leave, Shi Xu suddenly came over, "Su Su, do you know?"

Yan Su found herself going crazy.

But on the surface, there are still things to do, and I nodded my head, "Well, he and I ..."

"We are neighbors," Molucy suddenly interrupted.

Shi Xu was stunned, and the gentle smile on Junmei's face was a bit unsustainable.

He turned his head and looked at Molucy with a deeper look. The other side also looked at him, his eyes staggered in the air, all unfriendly.

Shi Xu suddenly remembered that when he came out this afternoon, he came across Moluci at the door. At that time, he thought he was passing by by chance. Now he wants to come, maybe he wants to come to Yan Su too.

Yan Su's dullness also saw that the two were not quite right, and quickly said, "Because Lausanne lived with me before, Lucy lived next to me in order to live with her sister."

Shi Xu's complexion improved slightly, but Moluci didn't look very good.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Jiaojiao quickly shifted the topic. "Susu, let's sit over there, just as Teacher Ye is over there."

"Okay, I'm leaving now," Yan Su said, regardless of whether or not the two men were in flames.

Shi Xu looked at her back with a leisurely hug in his arms, and said to Moluci, "I did not expect Mo Dao to be a very serious sister."

"Nonsense, if the siblings don't care about their feelings, that's the difference between humans and animals, and I won't do the kind of betrayal of his ex-girlfriend," Moluci said and turned to leave.

Shi Xu's face changed slightly. "What did Susu tell you?"

Molucy raised his eyebrows and smiled back, "Of course I and Su Su talk about everything, and I'll tell you the truth, a well-behaved woman like Su Su will never lack a suitor."

"you like her?"

Shi Xu did not expect that he would say so directly. His subconscious jealousy was much better than his innate jealousy.

He never doubted the charm of Yan Su, after all, many boys chased after high school.

"I remember hearing people say that Mo Dao seems to be only twenty. You are younger than Su Su, when her brother is almost the same," Shi Xu smiled. "I know that many men have an oedipus plot, plus Su He is a very gentle person, so be sure to distinguish what you like and do n’t get confused. "

"That's true, I just think that Su Su is older than me and will take care of me, such as making porridge for me every day," said Mo Liuxi with a smile of enjoyment, "changing tricks, lean porridge today, seafood tomorrow Porridge, then fish congee, have you tried this ex-boyfriend? "

Shi Xu stared at him, his fist clenched under the table.

He certainly hasn't tasted it, and he doesn't even know that Yan Su's cooking is good.

"Susu is a kind-hearted person. Even if you do it, it's probably because you are her friend's brother. Don't take kindness and self-confidence seriously," Shi Xu couldn't hold his inner agitation.

"Maybe, but her lips are so delicious," Molucy smiled lowly.

Shi Xu's body trembled, and her eyes burst into anger.

His assistant quickly grabbed his arm.

Pay attention to Li Ming's side to see the atmosphere is not right, and quickly came over, "Luxi, what are you standing there, the director is sitting here."

"Good-bye, Mr. Shi, I hope we can cooperate happily on the set," Moliuxi waved and smiled.

Sixth more ,,, continue tomorrow, update before 12 noon

(End of this chapter)

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