Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 976: Come with me

Chapter 976: Follow Me

Fei's face twitched because he was too ugly.

If it were someone else today, it wouldn't matter. If you were bullied, you would bully. No one would dare to say hello to the circle.

But this is also the case of Molucy, and there is media below.

The most annoying thing about the entertainment industry is this.

Can't hold it.

However, after all, it was a strong storm and did not get drunk, and quickly smiled, "Everyone is a few acquaintances, and the fight is just a small matter. There is no need to make such a big deal. This is really Jia always wrong. He also drank too much, so let me apologize to this Miss Yan on his behalf, okay, Lidao, you also say something, persuade him, isn't it you who called you. "

Li Ming stunned and looked ugly to the extreme, and said, "Fei Dao, I have decided to quit this show, please find someone else."

"Li Ming," Fai Fei's face changed, "Don't kid me, the press conference was held, and the start-up ceremony time was set. In order to make this movie, a town has been set up, and more than ten billion have been added one after another. Smashed into it, now you say you do n’t shoot, you do n’t shoot, who will bear the loss, and what do these actors do? ”

"Yeah," everyone was panicked when Li Ming said this. If Li Ming didn't make the show and switched to another director, how could there be such influence and word of mouth, and many senior seniors who participated in the show were It was on Li Ming's face.

"Li Dao, I'm here for you. If you don't make a film, what's the point of my participation in this drama," Cheng Sheng said directly.

He Jian also persuaded, "I know you have a good relationship with Molucy, but he did hit people too hard today, and it was his first move."

"Fart," Li Mingqi's face was thick and his neck was thick. "Look at what he hurt and what it looks like. My friendship with his master for decades has turned him into this. What happened to him? The banquet was originally suffocated. He was right. Is this a crew? I haven't filmed in such a long time. It was a happy event. As a result, I bullied a girl at my banquet. , Is the singer I picked out, is it a woman for him, so I like what women come to go to the crew, to the brothel. "

He said more and more angry, and patted the table directly.

It's probably too forbearing, and I feel extremely shameless.

"These actors are all looking at me. Will they come without me? When you bully others, you watch it lively. If you think you are so powerful, then you can ask someone to shoot it yourself, but I tell you, You are not eligible for my script. "

Fei Dao gritted his teeth. "Li Dao, everyone used to sign in black and white. If you don't do it, it's a breach of contract. The number of breaches is more than one billion."

Li Mingxiao laughed, "I remember one item in the contract said that if you violate my interests, I can take the initiative to apply for termination. Is it not enough to lose my face to the things you did today? To be honest, Yan Su today If you are bullied, are there new people who dare to play my show in the future? You have to do it. I have to go to court with you, and it will be uncomfortable for anyone. "

When he finished speaking to Morius, "Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital."

Moriusi frowned toward Yan Su, "follow me, it's not safe for you to stay here."

Yan Su looked at his arms pale, nodded subconsciously, and followed them out.

Fifth more. . Sixth more later

(End of this chapter)

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