Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 996: I wait for you

Chapter 996: I'll Wait For You

When Yan Su planned to leave for dinner, Moluci suddenly handed over a key.

"this is……."

"The key to my house," Moluci said, "if I'm not here, and you want to help me cook, you can just come in with the key instead of waiting outside like today."

"This ... it's not good, we can call," Yan Su looked at the key, a little stressed.

"Hold it, anyway, it's going to be delivered to you sooner or later," Molucy stuffed directly into her pocket.

Yan Su was blushed by a word behind him, "That's not necessarily true. I'm not accepting you right now?"

"Whether you accept it or not, I'll make a decision for you," Molousi resolutely determined.

Yan Su's heartbeat was like a bang, and she hurried back to pack and left.

Moluci kept sending her downstairs. When Yan Su left, he was still standing under the streetlight, and suddenly she saw a reluctance.

It was the first time I left. "Luxi, go back to your mother on Saturdays and Sundays. I'll try to get back on Sunday night."

"Okay, I'll wait for you," Molucy said nothing, leaving only four words.

It sounds simple, but on the way Yan Su took the bus to the airport, her mind kept echoing.

Once upon a time, she always said to Shi Xu, I am waiting for you.

After waiting for so many years, hasn't it finally met a boy who is willing to wait for her?

Shouldn't she be so afraid.

Molucy was right, in his most beautiful youth, did he leave nothing but wait.

She looked out the window. Outside was the street of the university town. A pair of lovers walked on the road holding hands, sitting in a tea shop.

In the window, the girls smiled sweetly at the boys.

Jiao Jiao suddenly felt, "I miss the time when I was studying, it reminds me of my boyfriend in college."

Yan Su looked at her, "I remember you are single, how did you break up."

"After graduation, it's not appropriate to break up," Jiao Jiao smiled. "But I talked about it in college for three paragraphs. It was very cool. I like to be together at that time."

Yan Su listened with a smile. "I can't tell. You have taken me for almost a year. I haven't found it. Are you usually too busy?"

"This is also one of them. Just going into society and falling in love is complicated. Two people must be together, not only to like, but also to consider each other's work, conditions, character, family background, and parents will urge marriage. In short, not so pure, "Jiao Jiao shook her head and sighed." And the man who has been dating for three days and two heads is thinking about turning you on the bed. You should fall in love with him. He wants to talk to you about the lower body. It is really sad.

Yan Su "fluttered" chuckled.

"So, sometimes I really envy you," Jiao Jiao glanced at her, "Youth, once you walk, you can't change it for a lifetime."

Yan Su looked out the window and was silent.

At eleven o'clock at night, the plane landed at Hong Kong Airport.

Yan Su opened her mobile phone, which contained Molucy's WeChat: When I arrived in Hong Kong, I sent a message to report a peace.

Yan Su's heart warmed up. After she put away her cell phone, she walked for a few minutes, and then took out and sent him four words in the past: arrived in Hong Kong.

Molucy called immediately, "tell me where you live."

"What are you doing?" Yan Su was startled. "Should you come to see me?"

"Thinking a lot, my Hong Kong and Macao passes have not been opened, not to mention I am injured now," Mo Lu Xi smiled, "I understand your mood, after all, they are so put on TV."

Second more. . . What are we going to do?

(End of this chapter)

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