"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the sound of explosions came from the projection.

Vados took a closer look and saw that the cameras facing Mr.Satan all exploded.

"It's this Namekian who's doing it..." Vados looked at Bi.

"Yes." Luo Tian nodded.

"The Nameks are actually on this planet." Vados laughed.

"On the Seventh Universe side, the climate of Namek was abnormal a long time ago, and many Nameks went to aliens for refuge, so it's not surprising that this Namek lay on Earth. 33 Luo Tian replied.

"So that's how it is." Vados nodded and smiled, "It seems that the world champion Mr. Satan is very disappointed, and the TV station can't broadcast him.

"Hmm." Luo Tian nodded.

"Are the two of them at odds?" Vados asked casually, eating another sashimi.

"No, have you seen this person?" Luo Tian pointed to Son Gohan and replied, "The two of them have a good relationship. This person named Son Gohan was afraid of revealing his identity, so this person named Bi's Namek. People, they destroyed all the cameras."

"Hush, that's kind of interesting." Vados smiled slightly.

"Dad, I'm going out to find a friend." Son Gohan said to Son Goku.

"Okay..." Son Goku was stunned and nodded.

"I can't help it, the TV audience can't see my demonstration. It's a pity. Mr. Satan murmured, and clenched his fists in front of the strength testing machine.


Mr.Satan's concentration was poured out, and he punched the strength testing machine.


There was a slight tremor on the strength testing machine, and a number came.


"The score is displayed, 137 points! The 99 staff exclaimed, "It has reached a high score of 137!

"167 Wow wow wow!

The players present shouted in unison.

Everyone, "Goodbye, everyone must cheer, I am waiting for an opponent who can make me compete seriously." Satan raised his fist, raised his fist high, and announced to the many players present.


"Ahem... Luo Tian, ​​will you show me this kind of game? Vados wipes his sweat.

It feels so boring.

This game is too low.

Vados shook his head.

"Watching the game is secondary, the main thing is eating delicious food, right?" Luo Tian smiled.

"Okay, you're right." Vados nodded slightly, "Speaking of welcome, if there is a chance, we can't let the human race between the sixth universe and the seventh universe have a match, I'm talking about a high level. Oh, the game, it's not like fighting with ants like this now."

"Let Champa arrange it then." Luo Tian replied.

"Lord Champa isn't dizzy, is he?" Vados asked with a smile.

"It should be." Luo Tian nodded.


You're hitting hard enough.

"All the contestants are requested to line up in front of the strength testing machine for the test after they get their number plates." The staff announced, "The contestants of the youth group, please come here to read.

Son Goten and Terrance walked glumly to the side where the junior group was.

"Come on, little guys." Lin said with a smile.

Son Goku also smiled and looked at Son Goten and Trance behind him.

Immediately after, Son Goku looked up again and looked around.

"Didn't Tien Shinhan and dumplings come?" Son Goku asked.

"He once said that he wanted to live in seclusion with Dumplings and live a two-person life like a fairy. 97 Lin said with a smile.

Son Goku: "..."

Next is the punching strength test machine.

And the dishes of Vados were also served one by one.

These dishes are out of 10.

Luo Tian is very good to give 6 points at most.

The remaining few dishes are somewhat western in nature.

For example: fruit wood grilled chicken wings...

This thing is actually also known as the feature of this hotel?

Luo Tian shook his head.

Wouldn't it be better than the barbecue I made for the Vados of my world?

Of course it's not like that.

But even so, Vados is very happy to eat.

Sure enough, watching the game while eating is still very interesting.

Although the game has not started yet.

"61 points on the 75th!"

"Wow! What an impressive score, 112 for No. 76!

"No. 77 92 points! This score is not bad!

The staff made comments while recording the scores.

Even Vados has a little expectation, who will have the highest score?

Will anyone surpass that hero named Mr.Satan?

"Next, No. 84." The staff said.

Step 18 stepped forward.

"Don't use too much force, otherwise it will destroy the test machine. Lin quickly advised.

"I know." No. 18 nodded.


No. 18 punched lightly in the past.

Immediately, the strength test machine showed a high score of 774.

Vados was also a little surprised.

Finally, a human beyond the normal level has finally appeared.

This girl doesn't look easy.

Vados could naturally see that if the girl used all her strength, it would not be such a score.

"Ah? 774!"

The staff were dumbfounded.

"Sorry, the machine is out of order, please wait a moment." The staff hurriedly called the maintenance engineer of the machine and stepped forward to repair it.

"I said don't use too much force!" Lin Dao said.

"It's so long-winded, it's hard to control the intensity. No. 18 stared.

"Okay..." Lin wiped sweat.

"Also told the police that this little girl is quite beautiful." Vados smiled and said, "It's a pity that she has become his wife, right?

"I'm not interested in humans, there are too many beautiful girls." Luo Tian replied.

Vados: "..."(agef)

You are right.

As an Angel, how could she be interested in human girls?

"It seems to be back to normal." The staff immediately replied, "Please try again. 99

This time, No. 18 tapped lightly.


The strength test machine showed a high score of 203.


Lin also stepped forward and punched him.

"No. 85... 192 points!" The staff was stunned.

Immediately after, Son Goku and Bick and others - stepped forward to hit the strength tester.

Both also scored close to 200.

"The test machine seems to be damaged and can no longer be repaired. Go to prepare a new test machine immediately. The staff ordered.


"Shhh, their strength has surpassed that of normal people." Vados understood, "No wonder you use this guy named Son Goku as your main point of view."

Vados did not use the scepter to check the information of these people.

If you ask for anything, it will be meaningless.

Still looking at the seam is more exciting.

"Get out of here!"

Vegeta stepped forward and punched the strength tester.


Immediately, the strength tester was smashed to pieces by Vegeta's punch.

Several of the staff present had their eyeballs popping out of their sockets, and cold sweat broke out on their faces.

Is this a joke?

"Oops, this guy has quite a personality." Vados said with a smile.

"Not bad, right?" Luo Tian smiled, "Do you really think that what I showed you was just an ordinary game?"

"You have your heart." Vados nodded, "It seems that it will be more exciting to watch.

"Mmmm, the exciting things are still to come." Luo Tian said meaningfully.

"I suspect...you have a dream in your words, right?" Vados looked at Luo Tian and asked.

"Guess. 33 Luo Tian smiled.


Let me guess again!

I still don't know from which universe did you take the bait?

Forget it, stop guessing.

Too much brains.

The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, the preliminaries.

Son Gohan has managed to find Videl.

It just so happened that Son Gohan also saw the scene where Vegeta punched the power tester with one punch.

Son Gohan was speechless for a while.

Uncle Vegeta, don't be so showy.

This will reveal my identity...

If not, Son Gohan turned his head and saw that Videl had a surprised look on his face.

"How about Videl? You've become proficient at flying, right?" Son Gohan had to change the subject.

"Hey, aren't you surprised? That guy destroyed the strength tester." How could Videl care about flying now?

"Oh? I'm surprised..." Son Gohan wiped his sweat.

"It's unbelievable, those people aren't your friends, are they? Videl looked at Son Gohan in surprise," They all got a high score of around 200, my dad's 139 was already the highest score .

"Isn't your dad 137?" Son Gohan corrected.


It's not important, okay?

Videl doesn't know what to say

"Vegeta, our kids are about to compete in the junior division, would you like to come and see?" Son Goku asked.


"Hmph, it's better to have a look than to stay in this boring place. Vegeta nodded.


A group of people walked towards the arena.

After seeing Son Goku and others, many contestants were all trembling and shocked.

These guys are awesome.

Just don't mess with them.

"They're here..." Videl whispered, "Who are they?"

Just as he was talking, Son Goku stepped forward and got close to Son Gohan.

"Is this girl your friend?" Son Goku looked at Videl and Son Gohan, and asked uncertainly, "Is this... a girl?"

"Ah... yes..." Son Gohan nodded.

"Hee hee, is that your girlfriend? She's pretty." Lin grinned,

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