GT Angel, Cultivate God of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 132 Let's Go to the Tenth Universe

Dapra adjusted his body in the air, landed on his feet, and immediately opened his mouth, spraying a hot flame from his mouth.

The flames roared straight to Son Gohan's side.

Son Gohan could even feel the heat of the flames making his eyebrows curl up to dry.

Son Gohan hurriedly jumped to dodge.


Dapra disappeared in place, leaving only a phantom.

Son Gohan whistled from here, punching Dapura's phantom.

Son Gohan's face changed color after the punch missed.

"I'm here." Dapra's voice came from behind Son Gohan.

Son Gohan turned his head to look.

"Hey! 99

What greeted Son Gohan was a giant fireball.

Son Gohan was shocked and hurriedly covered his body with his arms.


Son Gohan was hit in the lake by the fireball on the spot.

But soon, Son Gohan washed up from the lake.

"Damn!" Son Gohan gritted his teeth and ripped off his upper clothes.

Son Gohan, who Dappra watched calmly.

"Is that just magic?" Son Goku mused, "That guy is stronger than he thought.

"Hmph, that guy is just like that, it's the kid who's useless." Vegeta "190" snorted, "Gohan when he was young was very loud."

"Gohan really lacks exercise. Son Goku laments.

"Hmph, it's really frustrating." Vegeta was a little unhappy.

Isn't it just a Dapra? How come it's not beaten after all the effort?

Dapra glanced at Vegeta.

This guy doesn't look right.


At this moment, Son Gohan came swiftly in the direction of Dapura.

Without the slightest hesitation, Dapra spit out Son Gohan.

"Dangerous, be careful to be petrified!" Supreme Kai warned loudly.

Son Gohan was even more shocked, raised his hand hastily, and blocked the invasion of saliva with his gloves.

Son Gohan hurriedly took off the gloves and dropped them from the air.

The gloves were petrified in mid-air.


After the gloves landed, they shattered into several pieces on the spot.


All of a sudden, Dapra came swiftly over here, lifted the large hand-painted hand, and a long knife appeared in his hand.

Dapra slashed with a knife.

Son Gohan was startled again, holding the long knife between his hands.


Son Gohan slammed hard, and the long knife was smashed into several pieces.


Son Gohan was startled and confused, gasping for breath.

Dapra also felt that the kid was a little tricky.

"Damn it! What is this guy Dapra doing? The kid must be injured and go around! Buffy Di was upset when he saw this.

As long as my Majin Buu wakes up, it's a lot easier to deal with those guys.

in the Universe spaceship.

Luo Tian waited for a moment, feeling a little bored.

Still don't see it.

Nothing to see.

I'd better go around.

Who to play with?

Vados has already looked for it.

The Marcarita of my world was molested too.

No, let's go to the tenth universe.

Go find silk to play with.

OK, let's do it!

Luo Tian glanced at the entrance of the Universe spaceship.

Immediately, the entrance gate of the Universe spaceship opened at that time.


Luo Tian flew directly from the Universe spaceship and returned to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, the scepter in Luo Tian's hand gently knocked on the ground, and the whole body flickered with bright flames like starlight.


Luo Tian broke through the void and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

on a planet.

The battle between Son Gohan and Dapra continues.

Vegeta and others have grown more impatient.

What am I here for?

I'm here to challenge Kakarot.

Do not!

To be precise, I was going to pretend to be in front of Kakarot.

If it goes on like this, when will it be over?

"Hey, I can't wait any longer, let's clean him up!" Vegeta yelled.

"No, Vegeta! Let Gohan continue, he hasn't lost yet!" Son Goku said.

"This game is so boring!" Vegeta shouted, "I'm going to end this game and compete with you, if it wasn't for this purpose, I wouldn't be participating in this boring convention!

Dapra silently looked at Vegeta with a smile on his face.

Son Gohan suddenly had a premonition that something was wrong.

Why is this guy laughing so sinisterly?

"Lord Buffy, let me return to the Universe spaceship, I found something very important." Dapra said to Buffy Di.

"Oh? What's the matter?" asked Buffy.

"Maybe it can make Majin Buu wake up as soon as possible." Dapra said.

"Really? Well." Buffydi didn't object, and immediately chanted the spell, sending Son Goku and the others back to the Universe spaceship.

"Huh? Where's Luo Tian? Why not in the Universe spaceship?" Son Goku looked around for Luo Tian's figure.

Vegeta also frowned.

What about Luo Tian people?

Have you already left?

Did you think our battles were boring and left early?

"Forget about that amazing guy named Luo Tian!" Supreme Kai gritted his teeth, "How did we get back here? What are they trying to do?"

Looking at Dapra again, he entered the elevator of the Universe spaceship directly.

"Hey, do you want to run away?" Son Gohan asked.

"Escape? You're wrong, I don't have to do it myself." Dapra chuckled, "because I found a more suitable candidate. 99

"What did you say?" Son Gohan was startled.

Dapra ignored it and took the elevator back to the floor where Buffy Di was.

"What's the matter, Dapra? What new discoveries have you made?" Buffydi asked.

"One of those people has an evil heart, and by using that evil heart, he can be drawn to become a part of us." Dapra smiled.

"Really? You are so smart, let them kill each other, we can get enough energy! Majin Buu can finally earn and wake up!" Buffy Di was surprised and happy.

I didn't expect such a new discovery.

"What the hell is that guy trying to do?" Son Gohan wondered.

"I don't know either, he said he found a more suitable person to fight." Son Goku scratched his head, looked up, and was a little surprised, "Look, the gate on the upper floor is open.

Son Gohan and others looked up.

If not, the gate on the upper floor of the Universe spaceship actually opened.

It was clearly closed before.

"Hmph, there's nothing to make a fuss about, it should be Luo Tian who left. 99 Vegeta said indifferently.

Leaving "What? How did he do it?"" Son Goku shook his head again, and couldn't help muttering...

"Open the door, what's so strange?" Vegeta took it for granted.

If you knew Qi Tian's true strength, you probably wouldn't be so surprised.

"No, I don't feel right. Supreme Kai frowned.

Yeah, how did this door get opened?

It is said that once you come in, it will be more troublesome if you want to go frequently.

"Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, while this door is open, let's get out of here!" Supreme Kai suggested, "this is a good opportunity, a good opportunity to get out of here. 33

"Lord Supreme Kai, what are you talking about, we all managed to reach the third gap, isn't it a bit too hasty to leave now. Son Goku shook his head and didn't mean to leave.

"It always feels like they have some conspiracy..." Supreme Kai thought thoughtfully.

But, what kind of conspiracy will the other party be?

In Buffy Di's crystal ball, Vegeta's head is gradually enlarged at this time.

"Hahaha, he is really different. This guy is full of evil spirits, and he is definitely not here for justice." Buffydi smiled, and then pointed his hand at the crystal ball, "I want you to obey me. Order...Barbara!

After saying this, Buffy Di's magic power bloomed and covered the crystal ball.

The crystal ball also quickly transferred magic power to Vegeta.

Vegeta's pupils shrank and her face changed color.


Immediately afterwards, Vegeta screamed loudly while holding her head.

"Sure enough!" Supreme Kai looked stunned.


Vegeta then turned into Super Saiyan's energy, surging frantically.

Son Gohan:

Son Goku:..."

Both father and son were speechless.

Looking at Vegeta again, the whole body was trembling, and more and more energy emerged from his body.

"Not good! His evil heart was discovered by Buffy Di!" Supreme Kai shouted, "Vegeta, concentrate, police crazy!

"Shut up, the police are kissing here!" Vegeta said coldly.

"Very good, you are now our accomplice, I want to trigger all your potential power to 4.5 and break through your own limit." Buffydi said with a smile.


The next moment, Buffydi poured magic into the crystal ball again.

The crystal ball transfers magic power to Vegeta.


Vegeta's body erupted with more powerful energy.

The entire Universe spaceship was shaking violently.

When Vegeta looked up at Son Goku and the others, there was already a capital M symbol on his forehead.

The expressions of Son Goku and the others changed again and again.

"Oops... he he he... he was controlled. 99 Supreme Kai said in a deep voice, cold sweat on his face.

"Very good, I'll find a place for you to fight." Buffydi smiled, and the magic in his hand bloomed again.


In just a split second, Buffy moved Son Goku, Vegeta, and others who were present to the venue of the No. 1 Martial Arts Conference in the world.

"This is this... this is..." Son Gohan was stunned.

Son Goku was also shocked.

"What's the matter? Why did they suddenly find out?

"How did they show up?"

"What is that blue tech circle on the ground? 3)

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