"That's right." Supreme Kai nodded.

"You came just in time! Supreme Kai!" Buffy clucked, "Didn't that see-through guy come?

"What transparent person?" Supreme Kai was stunned.

"What? Are you still pretending? I know there is a transparent person in you." Buffy snorted coldly.

"Lord Buffidi... That's not a transparent person... There is a person in their team, and the crystal ball cannot be displayed." Dapra immediately explained in a low voice.

"What did you say? Are you saying my crystal ball can't show that the hook is coming?" Buffydi was taken aback.

"It seems so..." Dapra nodded.

"There's actually such a thing? Isn't he a transparent person?" Buffydi asked in astonishment.

"Yes, I'm not in the team now, I don't know what to do." Dapra frowned and added, "The floodgates of our Universe ship suddenly opened, I wonder if he left the Universe ship?

"How is this possible? Only I have the authority to open the floodgates on this Universe ship!" Buffy exclaimed.

Dapra stopped talking.

Anyway, I always thought it was weird.

"Buffy, don't delay, I'm trying to stop Majin Buu from waking up!" Supreme Kai said coldly, "Now is not the time to talk nonsense."

"Hmph, you're right, but I'm afraid you can't get your wish, because Dapra is here." Buffydi smiled.

"Hurry up, Gohan! If you wait any longer, maybe the energy lost by Goku's injury will be sent to Majin Buu's seal." Supreme Kai said to Son Gohan, "I'll deal with Buffy Di!


Son Goku and Vegeta face each other.

"I won't let the energy of injury go to Majin Buu, so I will try my best to decide the outcome as soon as possible." Son Goku looked at Vegeta calmly.

"I'm really looking forward to it, let me see the results of your cultivation in that world." Vegeta smiled.


Son Goku no longer hesitated at all, and directly became the second Super Saiyan.

Vegeta: "..."

Sure enough, you guy is still hiding.

Hum, I let you pretend.

After a while I will become Super Saiyan God, there are times when you cry.

"As expected of Kakarot, your energy intensity is higher than that of Gohan at that time." Vegeta smiled.


"Boom! 33

The next moment, Vegeta's body also burst out with extremely powerful energy, and arcs flashed around her body.

Son Goku: "..."

I didn't expect Vegeta to be like this.

"I'm afraid there's no way to do it quickly..." Son Goku said solemnly.

"Come on, Kakarot, and show you my power!" Vegeta laughed.

Fight first.

Warm up!

Vegeta said, and kicked Son Goku hard.

Son Goku hurriedly raised his arm to block Vegeta's attack.


Vegeta threw another punch.

Son Goku stretched out his hand to block Vegeta's attack and countered with a backhand punch.

Vegeta's big hand also grabbed Son Goku's fist.

The two are holding hands... they are almost friends.


Immediately afterwards, the two knees collided with each other, and the knees collided together.

Son Goku and Vegeta are both solid attacks, punch to the flesh.

Vegeta took a chance and slammed her head down on Son Goku's forehead.

Son Goku was injured on the forehead, and the police backed away.

But soon Son Goku adjusted his body and kicked Vegeta hard.


Vegeta slammed into the mountain behind him, and the mountain exploded.


The next moment, Vegeta flew over from the ruins of the mountain, and once again rhymed now opposite Son Goku.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two had a fierce confrontation once again.

It only took a minute or two to fight, the two separated for the time being and stared at each other.

"It's unbelievable. I've been cultivating very hard in another world, but it's just a draw with you. You practice harder than me." Son Goku said solemnly.

"Don't install Kakarot for me there!" Vegeta snorted, "Hurry up and bring your true strength.

"What do you say? That's my true strength," Son Goku replied.

"Are you still pretending there? Do you think I don't know anything?" Vegeta sneered.

Son Goku: "..."

Did Vegeta already know that I can become the third Super Saiyan?

It shouldn't be.

No one knows about the fact that I can become the third Super Saiyan other than Kai-oh-sama.

It is impossible for Lord Kai to have such a long mouth, so he ran to tell Vegeta.

And once that transformation is displayed, the time I will stay in this world will be shortened...

I won't use it until the critical moment.

"I don't know what you're talking about... Vegeta." Son Goku shook his head.

"Kakarot, with our current transformation, the difference in energy intensity is almost the same, how long do you think it will take us to decide whether to win or lose?" Vegeta smiled, "Maybe by that time, Majin Buu will have I woke up from the seal. Although I don't care if that guy is awake or not, but it's not what you want to see, right? But I think maybe he has woken up quickly now... The energy of your injury has been transferred to Is he under seal?

Son Goku: "..."

Suddenly I realized what you said made sense.

"Transform, Kakarot!" Vegeta smiled, looking at Son Goku.

Son Goku was taken aback.

"What are you talking about Vegeta? Didn't I transform?" Son Goku asked rhetorically.

"Do you want me to say my name?" Vegeta snorted.

Son Goku: "..."

"Super Saiyan No. 3." Vegeta said word by word.

Son Goku's eyes widened and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

This guy is amazing!

Even the name came up.

"You you you... how did you know? Vegeta?" Son Goku was stunned.

"Hmph." Vegeta wouldn't tell Son Goku how he knew.

Such important information, why should I tell you?

"Is it Luo Tian? Did Luo Tian tell you?" Son Goku asked.

Vegeta: "..."

Vegeta felt bad for the whole person.

How did this guy know?

I didn't say anything.

"It seems to be true..." Son Goku smiled slightly, "You didn't learn any new skills from Luo Tian, ​​did you? 99

Vegeta: "..."

When did this idiot Kakarot become so smart?

"So, Vegeta, can you show me your new skills?" Son Goku asked.

Vegeta clenched her fists, trembling all over her body.

This is so special!

It's not pretending to be forced.

What happened to this...

How to do?

Become Super Saiyan God now?

Inside the Universe spaceship.

Supreme Kai is still arguing with Buffy Di.

"I will definitely stop you, I will definitely stop Majin Buu from waking up. Supreme Kai said with a serious look.

The reason why Luo Tian was not present was that he would be pissed off by this Supreme Kai sooner or later.

You have the skill to talk nonsense, but you should attack quickly.

Can you transfer Majin Buu's seal directly with Instant Transmission?

How big is it?

", "Let's go to the ground, I'm worried that after Majin Buu wakes up, the powerful energy will destroy my Universe spaceship. Buffydi smiled slightly.


Just for a moment, Supreme Kai and others are now outside.

"How about Dapra? Are you confident in defeating that Earthling?" Buffy asked.

"Of course, I have just played against him. As long as I get serious, he is definitely not my opponent." Dapra's face was full of confidence.

Son Gohan's expression also became unusually solemn.

This guy is an enemy.

I have to deal with detours.

"Hey... Supreme Kai, although my dad and I can't beat you, my magic power is definitely above my dad's, and even Dapra is under my command. 22Buffy Di looked at Supreme Kai with a smile, just getting ready As he continued, he heard a voice behind him.

Buffy turned his head mechanically, and turned his head to look at the seal behind him.

Soon, Buffy Di was pleasantly surprised to see that the pointer of the seal had reached the 12 o'clock position.

Buffy Di's eyes widened.

Is this the end?

Is this done?

"Great! Majin Buu's energy is finally full!" Buffy Di laughed, seeming to want the whole universe to announce the good news.

Supreme Kai was in mourning at the time.


Is Majin Buu going to make money?

This universe is over!

"What?" Son Gohan didn't expect this to happen either.

"How is that possible? Why so fast?" Supreme Kai's face was sweating with fright, "Why is Goku's energy absorbed in an instant?

"I understand, Dad fights with energy beyond Super Saiyan, and probably Vegeta too... When two such powerful energies meet, the degree of damage is naturally extremely amazing." Son Gohan explained.

"How could this be? I didn't expect it to turn out like this! I guessed it wrong!" Supreme Kai hugged his head, feeling as if the sky was about to fall.

"Vegeta, let me see your new skills first." Son Goku smiled.


You are so special!

This is not ready...

I'm still thinking about waiting for the Super Saiyan III to hang you with Super Saiyan God.


I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Hmph, give me a good look." Vegeta snorted coldly, took a deep breath, and was about to become Super Saiyan God Gan.

Son Goku also kept his eyes on Vegeta.


Vegeta dissipated the energy from her body, intending to raise her own divine power,

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