The can of Supreme Kai and Jabeet suddenly reacted.


This product is also Supreme Kai.

You don't say we forget.

"Let's go Gohan." GT Son Goku stepped forward and extended his hand to Son Gohan.

"Yes, future dad!" Son Gohan nodded vigorously.

"Me in this era, you have to cheer up and become Super Saiyan God as soon as possible. 99GT Son Goku said to himself in this era.

"Understood!" Son Goku responded.

"Dad, I'll go first." Son Gohan waved.

"Come on! 99 Son Goku leads you.

Just! 1

The next moment, GT Son Goku and Son Gohan disappeared in a flash through Instant Transmission.

Old Supreme Kai:

"This stinky boy! I didn't even say thank you to my hard-working people..." The old Supreme Kai shouted angrily.


GT Son Goku took Son Gohan to perform Instant Transmission and appeared on Earth in just an instant.

"Gohan, do your best, Dad believes you can beat Majin Buu." Son Goku smiled.

"Um, okay." Son Gohan nodded, but he hesitated.

"What's wrong? Gohan?" Son Goku asked, startled.

"Dad, I don't think my clothes are very comfortable...Can I change into the same clothes as Dad?" Son Gohan asked.

"two two

"Same clothes as Dad? Dad is wearing the Supreme Kai style. Son Goku pointed to his clothes.

", I mean, the style of my dad's clothes in my time." Son Gohan smiled awkwardly.

"So that's how it is." Son Goku suddenly realized, laughed, and replied, "Yes, but I didn't ask for suitable clothes for you. 33

"Huh? Dad won't change? Isn't Dad Supreme Kai?" Son Gohan was startled.

"Yeah... I'm supposed to be able to change it, but I've never tried it. Son Goku suddenly woke up and nodded, "I'll give it a try."


Son Goku put his hand over Son Gohan's head.


Son Goku gave a loud shout.

Immediately, the clothes on Son Gohan immediately changed.

Son Gohan's clothes were changed to the same styles as Son Goku of this era.

"Haha, it worked!" Son Goku laughed.

"Dad is amazing! Sure enough!" Son Gohan smiled and nodded.

"Go, come on Gohan." Son Goku smiled slightly.

Goodbye "Zong, future dad." Son Gohan replied.

"Hmm." Son Goku gave Son Gohan a thumbs up.



Son Gohan didn't hesitate any longer, and sprinted away in the direction of Majin Buu.

At this moment, Son Goten and Trance were also panicking.

Than landed in front of the individual from the sky, ready to fight.

Only after seeing Buu closed his eyes there, the three of them were dumbfounded.

"What the hell is he trying to do? Trance was puzzled.


"He seems to be asleep." Son Goten wiped his sweat.

"Why did you fall asleep at this time?" Trans was wondering.


Is this guy playing us on purpose?

Or did he have police intentions?

Just when I was thinking about it like this, I suddenly sensed a powerful aura coming fast here.

Instead of being stunned, he turned his head and looked at the distant horizon.

"What the hell is it? What's with this powerful breath? Eleven's face changed color.

Buu was also surprised to see Son Gohan coming fast.

Buu's face changed color.

Who is it?

How can you have such a powerful aura?

The figure of Son Gohan gradually caught the sight of Buu and the others.

"Ah... it's Goku!" Bee exclaimed.

"No, it's my brother! It's my brother! 99 Son Goten shouted excitedly.

"What? Gohan? Is he really alive?" Bi Zhao was surprised and delighted.


Son Gohan fell from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

"It's great, it's just in time." Son Gohan smiled.

"Brother Gohan..." Trance also shouted happily.

"Brother, it's great that you're not dead." Son Goten's face was filled with joy.

"When I was on the verge of death, I was helped by Lord Supreme Kai, and I was always with Lord Supreme Kai before." Son Gohan explained briefly.

Than suddenly realized.

It turned out to be so. he really Gohan?

It feels completely different than before.

To be precise, his breath became stronger.

"Where did everyone else go?" Son Gohan asked.

"They were all killed by Majin Buu!" Son Goten gritted his teeth, "Everyone but us died.

"What?" Son Gohan's face changed color.

Could it be that even Dende...

So, did Dragon Ball disappear along with it?

Future Dad said that in the end they were all resurrected through Namek's Dragon Ball.

Yeah, we still have Dragon Balls from Namek.

Moreover, the future father should be able to find Namek.

As long as you find Namek, you can resurrect the Dragon Ball on this side of the earth.

Thinking of this, Son Gohan was also slightly relieved.


No no no!

I also sensed a very faint breath on the earth.

This breath... should be Dende's, right?

Get rid of this stuff first.

Then go to Dende.

Son Gohan stepped towards Majin Buu's side.

Majin Buu was stunned, but remembered who the person in front of him was.

"I'm thinking of you, you're the guy I beat up badly in the past, right?" Majin Buu laughed.

Son Gohan ignored him, with endless confidence on his face.


Immediately afterwards, Son Gohan's body suddenly exploded with an increasingly powerful aura.

Majin Buu's smile gradually solidified.

This guy...why is such a powerful aura...


Son Gohan punched Majin Buu in the face.

Majin Buu's face was seriously deformed.

than stunned.

Son Goten and Trance were also immediately dumbfounded.

The two little guys wanted to try to fuse.

After seeing this scene, I had to stop for a while.


Did one punch make Majin Buu stunned?


Son Gohan continued to hook, kicking Majin Buu in the chin.

Majin Buu fought hard not to let himself down, gritted his teeth, and attacked Son Gohan.


Son Gohan raised his arm to block Majin Buu's attack.

"Bang bang bang!"

Son Gohan gave Majin Buu a slap in the face.

Majin Buu is already powerless.

"Ah ah ah...

Son Gohan shouted and slapped Majin Buu with a big kick.

Majin Buu was carried aloft.


Son Gohan tracked up and slammed down with a punch...

Majin Buu plummeted from the sky.

But Majin Buu quickly adjusted his body and landed on all fours.


Majin Buu's limbs left a deep mark on the ground.

"Damn!" Buu immediately turned his head to look at the sky.

"Behind." Son Gohan's voice came from behind Majin Buu.

Majin Buu turned his head mechanically, showing a look of horror.

"You bastard." Son Gohan smiled.

Buu: "…"


Majin Buu was completely dumbfounded.

Son Goten, Terrance, and the other three also had their eyes widened, showing disbelief on their faces.

What's happening here?

how so?

What the hell happened to Gohan?

"You're dead. Son Gohan stung.

Supreme Kai world.

"You're still watching... It's really nerve-wracking GT Son Goku came back and saw that he was still looking at the crystal ball in this era, and he didn't know what to say to sew it.

"Ah... I couldn't hold back and looked at it. Son Goku laughed, "Gohan is okay, he has an absolute advantage, it seems that Majin Buu will die this time.

GT Son Goku didn't say much.

A brief silence.

"Didn't you say that Vegeta of this era can already become Super Saiyan God? GT Son Goku asked.

"That's exactly what he said." Son Goku nodded, but his eyes were fixed on the crystal ball.

"Aren't you in a hurry at all?" GT Son Goku asked.

"I'm in a hurry...but I still want to see how it turns out? Son Goku laughed.

GT Son Goku was silent.


From the very beginning... when Bulma came to Baozishan to find me.

Bulma said it was to search for seven dragon balls, and any wish could be granted.

Back then I just wanted to see what the dragon looked like.

This is my only wish.

Now when I become Supreme Kai, I seem to be in a more complicated mood than before.

I am more simple in this era.

If he wants to see it, let him finish 4.5.

Win or lose doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, GT Son Goku's mood has unknowingly improved a lot.

Yes, winning or losing doesn't matter.

What matters is your state of mind.

Relax your mind and work hard, maybe you will surpass the person you want to surpass without knowing it.

"Sure enough... he seems to be about to blow himself up," Son Goku said.

"Blow yourself up?" Supreme Kai was stunned.

"Yes, the future I said, Majin Buu will blow himself up next, and then things will be over." Son Goku said immediately.

As he was talking, Majin Buu's body shook violently.

At the same time, Majin Buu's breath increased wildly.

"I will never allow your existence, I will kill you with my own hands!" Majin Buu grinned.

Son Gohan's face changed color.

"Oops! Run! Son Gohan hurried over and stepped forward to protect Piccolo and the others.


There was a big explosion in Majin Buu.

A huge mushroom cloud appeared at the scene.

The whole earth shook violently.

Son Gohan reacted extremely quickly, and he had already brought the three of Piccolo up to the sky.

At this time, the three of them also had lingering fears. Looking at the big explosion below, their faces became more and more ugly.

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