GT Angel, Cultivate God of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 190 I Will Super Saiyan God Too!

After hearing these words, the Planet Lord's face became extremely ugly, and he broke out in a cold sweat.


was noticed by him.

"Poison? I was joking, Lord Beerus, maybe these dishes don't appeal to your appetite, but how could I poison you?" The Planet Lord hurriedly denied.

"Really not?" Beerus smiled slightly, picked up the glass of wine, and handed it to the Lord of the Planet, "Then have you drunk this glass of wine?

The Lord of the Planet trembled with fright.

The next moment, the planet master no longer pretended, and immediately took out the most advanced weapons.

"Bang bang bang!

The Lord of the Planet and the people on many planets swept Beerus violently.


Beerus waved his hand lightly and directly destroyed the planet.

"Sure enough, destroying this planet is the right choice as promised. Beerus smiled, "Can't let these guys live anymore.

Whis has no words.

Let's go. "Let's go to King Kai's planet and meet this Saiyan." Beerus greeted.

"Okay, Lord Beerus." Whis responded.


The two of them turned into a dazzling flame again, and they flew away with King Kai's planet.

Planet of King Kai.

Son Goku is running around the planet with a heavy piece of metal on his back.

Chimpanzee Babrus followed Son Goku, squatting and jumping excitedly.

Since the restoration of King Kai's planet, Bablos has also regained his image.

Otherwise, it would have to wander around with the realm king.

It was Son Goku who brought Babloth's back.

Bablos still appreciates Son Goku.

It's just that Babrus was running and running, and suddenly something wasn't right.

This is so...

Seems like Son Goku destroyed the planet.

Am I still here to thank him?

Back then, he was the one who transferred Cell to this planet...


Then, I was blown up too.

As soon as Babrus thought of this, he faced Son Goku.

Son Goku: "..."

"Babrus, what's wrong with you? Why are you so fierce all of a sudden?" Son Goku asked a little puzzled.

Babrus's hard strokes with both hands are telling what happened that year.

Son Goku turned his head and found Kai-oh whispering to the police there.

"Lord Kaiwang, what's the matter with you? You seem to be very nervous." Son Goku stepped forward and asked.

"It's nothing!" the realm king said loudly.

Bablos: "..."

Are you listening to me?

Son Goku, you are over the top.

I am an orangutan!

But I also have dignity.

"What, talking to himself...don't understand what you're doing. Son Goku really doesn't understand.

"What do you know? Lord Beerus is coming this way..." Kaiwang's face changed color.

"Lord Beerus? Who is that? I seem to have heard of it." Son Goku scratched his head.

"Of course it is the God of Destruction, Lord Beerus, the most powerful God of Destruction in this universe," Kaiwang explained.

"God of Destruction? Is that the future Vegeta?" Son Goku asked.

"I don't know what future Vegeta, I know... This Lord Beerus is very powerful." The King gritted his teeth.

"Is this Beerus-sama coming here? 11 Son Goku has a little anticipation.

"What should I do? What should I do? It's troublesome now!" The realm king was in a hurry.

"Since the Majin Buu incident, I have also practiced hard." Son Goku smiled, "If it is really the God of Destruction, I really want to compete with him.

"You idiot!" Kai Wang shouted loudly, "In the eyes of Lord Beerus, you are nothing more than a small ant! During the Majin Buu era, if Lord Beerus could wake up, he could be overturned with one finger! "

"I understand the truth...but how do you know how strong he is if you don't compete?" Son Goku said with a smile.

"You say it again! The King of the Realm was anxious and said loudly, "If we continue to say it, it will definitely offend Lord Beerus, and it will be a tragedy at that time. 39


As they were talking, Beerus and Whis fell from the sky and landed on the side of the critical king.

"King Kai, what you just said is good, you continue to say. Beerus looked at Kai Wang with a smile.

Realm King:

The realm king was startled, and his face changed again and again.

"Beerus... Lord Beerus..." Kai stammered, "And... Lord Whis..."

"Are you Lord Beerus?" Son Goku looked at Beerus with excitement, "Can you compete with me?"

"Goku, I told you, pay attention to your attitude!" Kai Wang was anxious, and said to Beerus, "Master Beerus, you can't tell him, he's just an idiot, he doesn't even know where he is. Say something. 9

"Lord Beerus is here to compete with this Saiyan. Whis smiled.

"Huh?" The realm king was stunned.

What are you kidding?

Lord Beerus, what are you trying to do?

Are you still bullying people like that?

"Okay, then I'm welcome. 93 Son Goku was nothing to be polite and just turned into Super Saiyan.

Beerus glanced silently.

This guy is actually a transformation type.

No wonder Frieza can be beaten.

Now his energy intensity should have surpassed Frieza.

"Lord Beerus, can we start?" Son Goku asked expectantly.

"Goku, stop! You are impolite!" Kai Wang hurriedly said.

However, it was useless for the realm king to be in a hurry.

No one pays attention to the realm king.

"Very well, attack me with your strongest strength." Beerus smiled slightly.

Son Goku was also immediately ready for battle.


Son Goku let out a shout and sped away in the direction of Beerus.


Son Goku suddenly rhymed behind Beerus and slapped Beerus with his palm.

(agef) Beerus dodged Son Goku's attack with a single dodge.


Son Goku sped up the attack.

Beerus just put his hands on his back and dodged easily.

"Hey hey hey!"

Goku's fist rained down on Beerus.

Beerus can still dodge easily.

Son Goku was busy for a long time without even touching Beerus' clothes.

"That's it?" Beerus was a little disappointed.

"That's amazing, Beerus-sama!" Son Goku smiled slightly, and lightning flashed from his body, becoming the second Super Saiyan.

"Oh? Transformed again?" Beerus smiled.


Son Goku stepped up his attack again.

However, no matter how hard Son Goku tried, he couldn't hit Beerus.

"I thought your transformation was amazing, but it turned out to be no big deal with Gangsui. Beerus shook his head in disappointment.

"What are you talking about... My transformation has doubled from before." Son Goku gritted his teeth.

"The seam has only doubled, so it's no wonder that there is no change." Beerus smiled.

"Then, I'll hook up my more powerful transformation to show you! Son Goku said, and the golden light on his body bloomed even more brilliantly.

Meanwhile, Son Goku's hair grows fast after the bay.

Soon Son Goku's hair was long past his waist.

The third of Super Saiyan.

"This transformation is four times what I just transformed! Son Goku looked at Beerus.

"It's still too little." Beerus nodded slightly, "But it's quite remarkable.

"I'm going to attack, Lord Beerus!" Son Goku said, attacking Beerus again.


Son Goku punched Beerus.

Beerus jumped lightly, dodging Son Goku's attack.


Son Goku's punch hit the planet directly.


At that time, the planet of King Kai was punched through Akatsuki by Son Goku, making an earth-shattering loud noise.

"Damn it! Can't fight." Son Goku gritted his teeth.

"Then, it's my time to attack," Beerus said, flicking his finger on Son Goku's forehead.


Son Goku flew upside down and squatted on the ground, leaving a long mark on the ground.

"'re okay?" Kaiwang asked with concern.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Son Goku picked up the place where he was beaten.

"Hurry up and quickly become Super Saiyan God." Beerus smiled.

"Huh? Beerus-sama actually knows about Super Saiyan God?" Son Goku was startled.

"Hmph, there's nothing I don't know about." Beerus smiled smugly.

"That...but..." Son Goku scratched his head.

"But what? Beerus asked.

"I can become Super Saiyan God, but Vegeta seems to be stronger than me in comparison," Son Goku said to Beerus.

"Vegeta?" Beerus mused, "I remember him, he's Saiyan's prince."

"That's right." Son Goku nodded vigorously, "Because he learned Super Saiyan God's transformation earlier than me."

"Oh? Really?" Beerus had no interest in Son Goku at the time.

"Okay, let me try Beerus-sama's true strength first." Son Goku said, about to become Super Saiyan God.

After all, after so long training, Son Goku has also realized the transformation of Super Saiyan God.

However, just when Son Goku was about to transform.


Beerus flickered and hooked behind Son Goku.


Beerus slapped Son Goku on the back of his neck.

Son Goku didn't even react, he was dizzy on the spot.

Son Goku fell to the ground, returning to normalcy.

"Hmph, it's so boring." Beerus smiled lightly, "Looks like I'll have to go to Earth to find Vegeta. 99

Whis: 6..."

"Why didn't Master Beerus try this Mr. Son Goku's Super Saiyan God? Whis asked,

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