GT Angel, Cultivate God of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 257 Was kicked away by Jilian?

At the scene of the insertion, the players soon started a fierce confrontation.


Another player from the tenth Universe punched the 17th.

No. 17 raised his hand lightly, resisting the attacking fist of the opponent.

"You Universe doesn't seem to be great." No. 17 had a smile on his face.

"What did you say?" The other party gritted his teeth, but cold sweat fell from his face.

"Bang! 99

No. 17 kicked in the past, and at that time, the player rolled on the ground for several somersaults.

The contestant almost fell out of the platform, but fortunately, he reacted very quickly, using his five fingers to firmly grasp the ground on the platform.

The contestant's five fingers grabbed the edge of the table, and it didn't fall off.

On the 17th, thinking that the guy had fallen, he turned to look at the person in the tenth universe.

Birdman was shocked.

Don't mess with it, I'd better run away.

Birdman's wings flapped desperately and flew directly into the sky.

"Great, I can fly, what can you do with me?" After the birdman took to the sky, he breathed a sigh of relief.


No. 17 jumped and jumped straight up.


You are so special!

How do you jump so high?

"With such a little height, even if you can't fly, you can jump up. No. 917 smiled lightly and kicked Birdman with a slamming kick.

Birdman falls from the sky.


Birdman fell into a mess.

Rumsshi was furious in the stands.


You are too much.

The player who was about to climb to the broadcasting station also worked hard to climb up.

Crawling and crawling, the contestant looked up and found a monster that looked like a white lizard.

The monster stepped on his finger directly.


Frieza kicked him hard and kicked the player out of the slot.

"Hmph, who just padded my feet? My feet are uncomfortable." Frieza snorted.

The next moment, Frieza made a gorgeous turn and left the place for the time being.

Not long after Frieza left.

Another Frieza rhymes with the same long dude now here.

This person is also Frieza.

However, he is the Frieza of the Master Plane.

The Frieza that just went around is the Frieza of the GT world.

"Hmph, interesting, actually did what I just wanted to do. Frieza rubbed his nose and narrowed his triangular eyes slightly.

in another location.

Brah jumped out in the lead.

What the Nets read is not important to the future world at all.

The reason why Bula came to participate in this power conference is mainly to let him gain insight.

So at the beginning of the game, Bula left the team and rushed out to find his own target.

Soon, Bula really encountered several opponents.

I don't know which Universe's four players, one after the other, surrounded Bula in it.

Bra smiled.

Be surrounded so soon.

"Little sister, you are already surrounded by us, you should give up your resistance." One of the contestants looked at Bra with a smile.

"Sister, go on a date with me, I will take good care of you." Another player who seemed to be a teacher teased.

"Do you know who my dad is?" Bra winked at the male contestant and threw a wink.

"Who is it? Is it famous?" The contestant was startled and asked quickly.

"My dad is the God of Destruction." Bra giggled.

The player was dumbfounded.

Is your dad a god of destruction?

What are you kidding?

"Well, do you want to go on a date?" Bra asked with a smile.

"Are you kidding me? Are you saying that your dad is the God of Destruction or the God of Destruction? My dad is still Supreme Kai!" The man was furious at the time and rushed towards Bra.


Bra swayed, dodging the opponent's attack.

Several other players also swarmed towards Bra.


Burra's body exploded with energy, and with one punch, a player who rushed up was sent flying and caught.

The player flew out of the slot.


The player was eliminated from the hook at that time.

"You don't seem to be doing anything great, right, which Universe are you from?" Bra smiled.

"Damn! Are you people from the future world?" Several players from the second universe glared.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Bra smiled, "Where is the fat woman in your universe? Does she still call herself the number one beauty in the universe?"

"What did you say? Are you insulting our Lord Brian?" The players of the second universe were furious.

in the stands.

"These idiots! How many times do I have to say this before they understand! Jerez, the God of Destruction from the 2nd Universe of 99, has his nose crooked.

Why do you have to go to trouble with that girl in the future world?

What does it do you for you to seek her out?

After all, those who eliminated their world would not have the slightest impact on their world.

These idiots!

If possible, Jerez wanted to go up and destroy this man.

what about your brain?

"Bang bang bang!"

The next moment, Bra and several players of the second universe fought together.

Second, Universe is not a player without color.

The remaining three players are still relatively strong.

For a time, Bra and them played a tie, and it was difficult to tell the winner in the short term.

On the radio, the melee has already started.

Fights are taking place in almost all positions.

Of course, there are also a few positions where certain players are doing teamwork back to back.

At this moment, the two contestants who claimed to be justice warriors waved their fists, punched to the flesh, and bent each other to launch a violent attack.


Vegeta suddenly hooked between the two of them and caught their fists with her own hands.

"You two are the first to make trouble, your opponent is me." Vegeta smiled.

The two justice fighters were startled and looked at Vegeta in surprise.

This guy was able to catch our fists.

Is it simple?

"Who are you?" one of the Justice Warriors asked loudly.


Vegeta directly grabbed the arms of the two men and threw them both into the sky.


Vegeta releases golden energy from her hands.

Two energies hit the two players on the spot.

Before the two justice warriors could recover, they were knocked out of the stage.

"Humph! That's all?" Vegeta shook her head, feeling that they were too naive.

Son Goku rushed straight to Team Pride's line to challenge Jiren.

However, Jiren ignored Son Goku's intentions.

Jiren ran to fight the police players.

Son Goku fought with the normality and pride of these people in the team, and for a while, he couldn't resist each other's rhythm and color matching gap.


Someone in the back hugged Son Goku and put him on the spot.

Son Goku, however, was staring at Jiren in the distance.


Son Goku's body exploded with energy and directly transformed into Super Saiyan.

Son Goku threw his back against the man behind him.

The person who was holding Son Goku behind him fell into a mess, feeling that his whole body was about to be shattered.

This guy is still a transformed type...

"Be careful! He's turned blond! 99

"This guy can transform! After transforming, his strength is not low!

The members of the two proud teams quickly reminded their companions.

Immediately afterwards, these players launched a fierce attack on Son Goku, and after the rhythm of the side, Son Goku was unable to break the defense for a while.

However, Son Goku has a good talent after all. After fighting for a few laps, he knocked several players to the ground with one punch and one kick.

Son Goku simply didn't want to play against the regular players of these proud teams.

Son Goku's main purpose is to challenge Jiren.

Looking at Jiren again, after defeating a few opponents around him, he immediately flew towards the distance.

Jiren is like a running bison, and anyone who encounters him, 293 is directly knocked away by him.

"Damn...don't take me seriously at all." Son Goku gritted his teeth and laughed dryly.

"Jiren from the Eleventh Universe? I heard that you are the most powerful being in this team?

Just as Jiren was running forward, someone blocked his way.

The person who hooked the person opposite Jiren was Zhai Kou.

"The future world?" Ji Lian was stunned, but also looked at Zhai Kou without blinking.

"Yes, I am from another world, my name is..." Zhai Kou said.

"The name doesn't matter! Jiren's expression was cold, "I'm not interested in you.


"You bastard! I'll take care of you now and let you know how good I am." Zhai Kou snorted coldly, and rushed towards Jilian quickly.


Zhai Kou slammed Jiren's chest with a punch.

Looking at the fist that Zhai Kou was attacking, Ji Lian raised his hand slightly, which blocked Zhai Kou's attack.


Immediately afterwards, Jiren slammed an uppercut, hitting Zhai Kou in the abdomen on the spot.


Zhai Kou spat out a mouthful of sour water.

"Bang! 99

Jiren kicked again.

Zhai Kou's chest was deeply sunken, and he bent and flew backwards.


The next moment, Zhai Kou flew straight out of the slot.

"What?" Zhai Kou widened his eyes.

Zhai Kou wants to fly back to the broadcasting station.

No matter how hard Zhai Kou tried, he couldn't fly in this empty space.

In just an instant, Zhai Kou was suddenly teleported to the stand on the side of the future world.

Zhai Kou hook is now near Luo Tian and Vegeta.

Zhai Kou was eliminated from the service bureau.


Zhai Kou looked around in disbelief.

"Zhai" Laila exclaimed.

Zhai Kou was actually eliminated?

It's only been a minute since the game started.

You were punched and rhymed by Jiren?

"I, I, I..." Zhai Kou looked confused,

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